Good rating for Brunswick care home in Southport as CQC praises ‘compassion and kindness’ of staff

Andrew Brown
4 Min Read
The Brunswick in Southport

The Brunswick residential care home in Southport has been rated ‘Good’ in all areas in a Care Quality Commission inspection. 

CQC inspectors merited an overall Good as well as Good ratings in all areas, for: Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service well-led? 

CQC inspectors said: “People received care by staff they knew and who were familiar with their needs and preferences. It was clear staff enjoyed warm and positive relationships with the people they supported.” 

The Brunswick is a residential care home at 2-4 Lord Street, Southport, which provides personal and nursing care to up to 58 people. The service provides support to older adults including those living with dementia. 

It is owned by Dovehaven Care Homes. 

A spokesperson for The Brunswick said: “We are as proud as punch to announce that The Brunswick, Southport has been inspected by CQC and has been rated ‘Good’ in all areas. 

“The comments on the report written by the inspector are wonderful and it’s difficult to pick just one, but here is an example of something a relative said about the care at the home: 

‘Fantastic, second to none, what blows my mind is the level of skill demonstrated by the young staff’.

“Well done to Kelly Mortimer and her amazing team, we knew you could all do it!

“It’s been a great week at the home, both the visitors from Church View, Liverpool and the publication of this wonderful report – here’s to many more!” 

In the report, the CQC inspectors added: “People received care by staff they knew and who were familiar with their needs and preferences.

“It was clear staff enjoyed warm and positive relationships with the people they supported. There were enough staff on duty to meet people’s needs in a timely manner. 

“People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice. 

“We received consistently positive feedback from people and their relatives about the care and support provided by staff. 

“The registered manager helped to instil practices which were underpinned by values of compassion, kindness and the promotion of independence, values which were shared and practised by staff. 

“Staff told us how well supported and valued they were by the registered manager. 

“The service worked in conjunction with external professionals and used innovative practices to help achieve positive outcomes for people.”

This service was registered with the CQC on 19th July 2021 and this was the first inspection.


  • For more details about The Brunswick in Southport please visit:


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