These roads will be temporarily closed as Southport Mad Dog 10k run 2022 takes place

Andrew Brown
6 Min Read
The Southport Mad Dog 10k run. Photo by Andrew Brown Media

Drivers are being advised to beware of a number of temporary road closures taking place this Sunday morning and lunchtime (6th February) in parts of Southport, as the Southport Mad Dog 10k race makes its much-awaited return. 

Closures from around 7.30am until 1pm will take place on the coastal road from The Plough roundabout to the Weld Road roundabout in Birkdale, along with a number of other roads listed below. 

The popular annual event will see hundreds of runners sprint on a course from Stanley High School, along the coastal road, down the Esplanade and then the Promenade and then back down the coastal road to Stanley High. 

The race is organised by volunteers from Southport Hesketh Round Table and has raised a phenomenal £96,000 for local charities including Queenscourt Hospice, Woodlands Hospice, The Christie Charity, Barnardo’s Children’s Charity, Alder Hey Easter Egg Appeal and many others since it began. 

Sefton Council has approved a number of temporary road closures under the Road Traffic Regulation (Special Events) Act, 1994, and is advising motorists of a number of diversions which will be in place. 

The Mad Dog 10 km fun run starts on Marshside Road, Southport at 10am starting with a children’s race prior to the main race which will start at 10.40am.

The Order will be in force from 7.30am until approximately 1pm on the following roads this Sunday (6th February). 

  • To preserve the safety of the runners when they alight from the park and ride buses and cross Fleetwood Road, it will be necessary to temporarily close Fleetwood Road between its junctions with Marshside Road and Radnor Drive from 7.30am until 1pm
  • Closure of Marine Drive between its junctions with A565 (Plough Roundabout) and Weld Road roundabout. 
  • Closure of Marshside Road between its junction with Fleetwood Road and Marine Drive (will remain closed until approximately 2pm) 
  • Closure of Hesketh Road from Fleetwood Road to Marine Drive
  • Closure of Fairway from Promenade to Marine Drive
  • Closure of Marine Drive between the roundabouts at Esplanade and Marine Drive
  • Closure of Esplanade between the roundabout of Marine Drive and the exit road to Princes Park opposite Dunes Leisure Centre from 7.30am until Midday
  • Temporary parking restrictions on the south-east side of Fylde Road from the north-east kerbline of Marshside Road to a point 280 metres north-east of the north-east kerbline of Marshside Road. Access will be maintained for the Emergency Services and where possible for residents.

An alternative Traffic Route will see vehicles diverted from The Plough roundabout via the main A565 on Preston New Road, Cambridge Road, Park Crescent, Albert Road, Lord Street, Lulworth Road, Weld Road and vice versa.

People are being invited to cheer on those taking part as the Southport MAD Dog 10k race returns after being postponed in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The event has consistently been named ‘The Best 10K in the UK’ by various running organisations including Runners World, and for 2012-2019 at the National Running Awards. 

Are you taking part, or are you watching the event? Please post your pictures into our Stand Up For Southport Facebook group!

The Crazy Pups Fun Run for children starts at 10am; wheelchair athletes start at 10.30am; with the main Mad Dog 10K  run starting at 10.40am. 

Runners start from Stanley High School before heading down: Marshside Road; down Marine Drive (the coastal road, with beautiful views alongside Southport Beach, Marine Lake and Southport Pier); left down Esplanade and past Southport Pleasureland; left again down the Promenade; left along Fairway; and then back down Marine Drive and Marshside Road towards the Finish Line at Stanley High School. 

The Mad Dog 10k run always has a different movie-related theme each year, and this one is Star Wars related – Star Paws. 

This is the 11th time the race has taken place. 

A Southport Hesketh Round Table spokesperson said: “We look forward to welcoming you back! May the paws be with you!” 

The Southport Mad Dog 10k run is a great event for runners of all types, regardless of your experience. 

Everybody is welcome, plus there is live entertainment along the course as runners head past! 

The race features people of all ages and all abilities, with serious runners, chariot racers, visually impaired runners, recreational runners – and scores of fantastic runners in fancy dress. 

There is a £250 prize for the best fancy dress outfit. 

This year’s race is fully booked. 

This is the 11th Southport Mad Dog 10k run, and competitors can enjoy: a great atmosphere, free goody bags, running shirts, medals, Chip timing, on course live entertainment, free parking and free transport to the start. 

Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at:

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