Expansion plans submitted for former Signature Bistro in Churchtown in Southport

Andrew Brown
4 Min Read
Proposals for 192 Cambridge Road in Churchtown in Southport. Artist's impression by Surface Architects

The former Signature Bistro / Boxtree cafe site in Churchtown Village in Southport could be extended to make it more accessible for customers along with “an enhanced commercial function”. 

Signature Bistro closed last year and Churchtown Village Properties Ltd has now submitted a planning application for improvements to be made. 

The firm says creating level access at the premises is “a priority” while it also wants to introduce accessible toilet facilities and staff facilities. 

Surface Architects has lodged plans for a single storey extension to the front and side of 192 Cambridge Road along with new accessible access.

The area is within the Churchtown Conservation Area

In the plans, Surface Architects said: “We aim to create a harmonic balance of existing materials used on the site to enable an enhanced commercial function of the existing use. Level access will also be a priority.

“Due to the nature of the building and its layout, a level, free access cannot be achieved through the primary entrance. 

“The site level also has an internal split making access across the unit extremely prohibitive. 

Proposals for 192 Cambridge Road in Churchtown in Southport. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport
Proposals for 192 Cambridge Road in Churchtown in Southport. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport

“The unit currently does not offer any accessible WC facilities or separate staff facilities We are proposing by way of extension and level adjustment to create a fully accessible facility both internally and externally. 

“The existing paving is to be carefully graded to the existing door lobby which is to be reengineered to enable the 1,010mm assisted door to open inwards into the existing bar area space.

“The proposed materials are to be a reinterpretation of the vernacular pallet used in the surrounding Victorian and Edwardian buildings. This reinterpretation Uses the matching slate from the roofs and gable cladding and the existing corten and cedar cladding on the existing property to form the new façade. The glazing is proposed to be black and frameless so this will diminish into the rustic material pallet.

Proposals for 192 Cambridge Road in Churchtown in Southport. Artist's impression by Surface Architects
Proposals for 192 Cambridge Road in Churchtown in Southport. Artist’s impression by Surface Architects

“The existing tree is to be retained despite hiding much of the building elevation. It is an important element of the character and setting of the corner site.

“This Statement has been produced to reflect the sensitive design considerations to the vernacular and heritage of Chruchtown.

“We have concluded that the proposal would cause no harm to the surrounding buildings, whilst the statutory requirement to preserve the character or appearance of the Conservation Area is exceeded; it enhances it and offers a complimentary mix of materials adding vibrancy to the existing use class of the building and previous extensions.”

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