Southport Pleasureland reveals new food and drink festival with a twist

Andrew Brown
4 Min Read
Southport Pleasureland

Southport Pleasureland is planning an exciting new ‘food and drink festival with a twist’. 

The event will include live music and other surprises. 

It is one of many major outdoor events Southport Pleasureland is able to host, with its large Arena area and excellent on-site facilities. 

The attraction last year signed a long term lease and agreement with Sefton Council allowing for substantial expansion with the aim of becoming a world class visitor destination. 

Hosting large outdoor events is one of many things Southport Pleasureland is able to do, as they look to help Southport substantially build on over 9 million visitors to the town last year. 

Victoria Park Management Company has just submitted a planning application to Sefton Council asking for an increase in the number of days Victoria Park can be closed to the public, with the aim of enhancing it as a major outdoor outdoor space in Southport and the Sefton area. 

In their application, they said: “Victoria Park is the major outdoor event space in Southport.”

They added: “Further investment is expected in Pleasureland and the former pitch and putt site for high quality leisure facilities which will further enclose and compromise Princes Park as an event space. This means that Victoria Park, with the infrastructure that is in place, is now the only realistic outdoor event space for Southport and the wider Sefton area.”


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But Southport Pleasureland owner Norman Wallis says his park boasts an outstanding outdoor events space which needs to be recognised. 

He said: “There are a number of mentions regarding Pleasureland in the Stand up for Southport piece. I don’t agree with everything that is being said, especially the part that says Victoria Park is the only realistic events space. This is completely untrue.

“The planned expansion of Pleasureland does not mean there will be any greater demand for Victoria Park to be used for events.

“Pleasureland has all the public entertainment and alcohol licenses in place – all for very good reason not by accident – a large capacity, and has always planned and intends to do more festivals and entertainment of all kinds in the Arena and throughout the park.


Southport Pleasureland. Photo by Andrew Brown Media
Southport Pleasureland. Photo by Andrew Brown Media

“There is no better place, venue, destination attraction in Southport than Southport Pleasureland.

“As soon as this Covid-19 situation allows, we at Pleasureland will be putting on and are now planning a food and drink festival with a twist that will include music and all manner of festivities.

 “I do however look forward to Southport Flower Show and hope that with the new management they will be able to inject some new life into the event and broaden its appeal and demographic.

“Hopefully now with the new Southport Flower Show manager we can work together for the benefit of Southport.”

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