The new matchday food on offer at Southport FC has become one of the hottest talking points on Twitter – with more than 76,000 reactions in just a few hours!
This picture of dirty fries – fries, bashed burger, sausage, onions and cheese at Southport FC – was taken and shared by the Footy Scran account.
It quickly became a viral sensation.
The new food offering was prepared by local company Lourdes Deli in Southport, and has earned a big thumbs up from football fans from around the world.
Footy Scran ran a poll on the meal, attracting an astonishing 18,569 votes.
The final results showed four in five fans (79.4%) voting it as ‘Scran’ with just one in five (20.6%) voting ‘No Scran’.

There were lots of positive comments too.
Po The Brave Tweeted: “This looks excellent. A lot of the scran on here isn’t practical at a football game. Here you get to enter the magical world of burger sausage onions cheese fries and sauce, but you only need a fork to stab at it and you can also close the container. This, my friends, is scran.”
Geoffybabes Tweeted: “I’d fly across the pond for scran like that.”
Jason RK Tweeted: “Wonder if Leamington FC fans are ready for a bit of this on Saturday. 7300 likes and cardio incoming but confirmed 101% tasty (without the mayo for me).”
Dirty fries – fries, bashed burger, sausage, onions and cheese at Southport FC (@southport_fc @lourdes_deli)
💷 £5
— Footy Scran (@FootyScran) February 16, 2022
A Southport FC spokesperson said: “Last week we announced changes to enhance our matchday catering options for our fans… but didn’t anticipate that the results would go viral on social media and generate over 76,000 reactions within a matter of hours.
“Following our relocation of the Lourdes Deli catering stall to between the Blowick Terrace and the Popular Terrace, enabling both home and away fans to be served simultaneously from this new location, their delicious ‘Dirty Fries’ offering of fries, bashed burger, sausage, onions and cheese at only £5 was featured on Twitter by @FootyScran.
“@FootyScran shares pictures of food available at different football grounds around the world and invites fans to comment and vote on which grounds offer the best (and worst) food (or scran) at the match. The social media channel has nearly a quarter of million followers.
This looks excellent. A lot of the scran on here isn’t practical at a football game. Here you get to enter the magical world of burger sausage onions cheese fries and sauce, but you only need a fork to stab at it and you can also close the container. This, my friends, is scran.
— Po The Brave (@PoTheBrave) February 16, 2022
“After last Tuesday’s home match against Curzon Ashton, the original tweet attracted over 8,000 mainly positive comments, as well as Lourdes Deli securing a landslide victory in the online poll of “scran or no scran” with 79% of 18,500 fans voting in favour of the Dirty Fries.”
However, interest in the club’s outdoor catering rose to an entirely different level when Spencer Morgan, son of broadcaster Piers Morgan entered the debate with a somewhat disingenuous and controversial comment, saying “That’s 100% come straight out of a bin. And everyone saying how good it looks. Weird country this.”
Needless to say, thousands of existing and now new Port fans put him straight and back in his box, leading to a further 49,000+ online reactions.
Southport FC Head of Commercial and Operations, Steve Dewsnip said, “We have been blown away by the level of national and international exposure that this has brought us. “Congratulations to Steph and her team at Lourdes Deli, they have only been with us for a few months but already the positive feedback they have had from both home and visiting fans has been amazing.”
Good looking, good size, good price, 100% scran👌
— Blackadder E. 1st (@walrus1995) February 16, 2022
Lourdes Deli’s founder and proprietor, Steph Collinson said: “We have been overwhelmed with the response and this is only the beginning! Thanks to everyone who’s supporting us, we can’t wait to see you all again for more food and, more importantly, the laughs we have ‘cause we’re having a ball.”
Steve added: “Scran or No Scran – we invite you to visit Haig Avenue, try out the Lourdes Deli menu and decide for yourself!”
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