By Rob Urwin
Our Southport FC Walking Football Community Group have been running (or walking) for over two years and the sessions have been joined by well over 100 people in that time.
Some people have come along for just one session and found it’s not for them, others have been with us since it started up.
New friends have been made and the group goes from strength to strength.
It is primarily aimed at the over 50’s who want to continue playing the great game but at a slower pace. We can be flexible with the age if any over 40’s want to join in as long as they remember the word walking.
Having said that it is walking we have been quite flexible with the walking and if we are being honest we are probably better called Veterans Football these days playing to the Walking Football Rules.
What are the rules? We try and keep it simple.
No excessive running with the ball.
No contact at all
Goals can only be scored from outside the Arc
You have to be in the opposition half to score.
The ball must stay below head height.
Respect the referee’s decisions
The group make all newcomers welcome and it is open to men and women. We have one regular female player who was a member of The England Women’s “Lost Lionesses” that’s another story for another day.
Ideally, if we could get enough women together we would like to have a Women’s session separate to the men so that we could perhaps attract more women who maybe don’t want to play with the men’s group. It’s fair to say that Paula gives as good as she gets in the sessions mind you!
We would if the numbers permit it like to play one group of true Walking Football and one for the Veterans who are happy to play at a slightly more slow but faster than walking pace.
The sessions take place on the 3G at Dunes Leisure every Wednesday between 11am and 12pm and cost just £2 per player which pays for the pitch hire.
You can simply turn up on the day, register and play or book a place in advance and get more details by contacting the SFC Walking Football Organiser Rob Urwin by e-mail or call 077900-41514. We need your contact details, mobile number and an emergency contact number.
We have one regular pitch booked every week and the good people at Dunes will always allow us to use extra pitches when they are available and if they are needed. We do try and keep everyone playing for the full hour when possible but there may be an occasion when say 15 turn up we play 5 a side for ten minutes and five sit out but we always guarantee everyone at least 3 games of 5 A Side if that happens.
Rob added “ I never intended playing if I am honest, I was happy to organise, watch and ref but one day we had 11 turn up so to make it up to 6 A Side I played in goal and really enjoyed it. I ended up buying some goalie gloves, I was a ‘keeper in my schooldays but had packed in playing in my 20’s so I hadn’t played a game for 40 years. I have also played out when required as we sometimes have a couple of guys turn up who are “proper goalies” and that is harder than you think, Trying to walk all the time and stopping yourself from running has lead to a few aches and pains the next day”
It’s great fun with a great group and long may it continue.
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