New Jack & Gin restaurant to open on Manchester Road in Southport

Andrew Brown
1 Min Read
Imagination Station on Manchester Road in Southport. Photo by Andrew Brown Media

A new restaurant is due to open on Manchester Road in Southport, creating 15 new jobs. 

Jack & Gin is set to open at 137-141 Manchester Road, after the previous business, Imagination Station, closed. 

Robert Baker, who previously ran the highly successful Barking Frog restaurant at the site, has submitted a Change of Use planning application to Sefton Councilfrom a Childrens Play Centre (D2) to a Restaurant (E), with associated internal works at ground floor and first floor level and parking, and a single storey infill extension (part retrospective).

There are 10 car parking spaces at the moment, with a proposal to increase this to 11. 

There would be five full-time staff and 10 part-time staff. 

The restaurant would be open between 9am and 11.30pm Monday to Saturday, and between 9am and 11pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays. 

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