Merefield has been praised as an “exceptional school” where pupils “love their time” .
Ofsted inspectors returned to the facility, on Westminster Drive in Ainsdale, after rating it ‘Outstanding’ on their previous visit, in June 2019.
They were welcomed by Headteacher and designated safeguarding lead (DSL) Jo Sharpe and her team.
After their latest two-day inspection, they said: “Merefield School has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection.
“Pupils are delighted to attend this exceptional school. They arrive cheerfully at school, met by staff who greet them warmly.
“Interactions between pupils and staff are genuinely caring and positive. Consequently, pupils love their time in school and behave extremely well.
“The school has extremely high expectations of what pupils can do. Staff are passionate about providing the very best education for pupils. From the youngest children in the early years to the oldest students in the sixth form, there is no restriction placed on what the school expects pupils to accomplish.
“Staff have a thorough understanding of pupils’ individual and complex needs. This, along with an ambitious curriculum, ensures that pupils, all of whom have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are extremely well prepared for their next steps.
“Pupils enjoy a wide range of opportunities that promote their wider development. For example, they enjoy enrichment activities that include horse riding, swimming, gymnastics and cooking.
“Pupils are keen to help others and support local charities. They are regular visitors out in their local community where they shop for ingredients for cookery sessions and use the local library.
“Leaders have a clear and ambitious vision for the school. They create a purposeful environment in which pupils are eager to learn. The school sequences the curriculum exceptionally well to meet each pupil’s unique needs.
“Every pupil follows a personalised programme, carefully tailored to their specific requirements. Staff incorporate actions from pupils’ education, health, and care (EHC) plans into their lessons.
“The school prepares pupils exceptionally well for life in modern Britain.
“It provides comprehensive careers education, advice and guidance. Older pupils explore different professions, which helps them to develop their aspirations for the future.
“Governors share the school’s high expectations for pupils. Staff value the support they receive for their well-being and workload. They appreciate the time the school gives them to do their jobs well. Staff are very proud to work at the school.”
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