Home owner must pay £400 penalty notice for fly-tipping as Sefton issues warning for anyone dumping rubbish

Andrew Brown
3 Min Read
The rubbish that was dumped at Kirkstone Road North in Litherland

A £400 Fixed Penalty Notice has been issued to the woman found to be responsible for a recent fly-tipping incident on Kirkstone Road North in Sefton’s Ford Ward.

After the pile of rubbish was reported by the area’s Neighbourhoods Officer and reported to Ford Ward councillors, an investigation uncovered evidence connecting it to a nearby address.

During an interview under caution with Council staff, the woman admitted leaving the rubbish close to new bins recently installed by One Vision Housing for the use of its residents.

The £400 Fixed Penalty Notice must be paid within 14 days. Otherwise, the resident could face prosecution for non-payment of a Fixed Penalty Notice on top of the original offence.

Ford Ward Councillors Liz Dowd, Paulette Lappin and Ian Moncur welcomed the news that Council staff had successfully used the evidence to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice.

Cllr Peter Harvey, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Cleansing and Street Scene said:

“Fly-tipping in Sefton is never acceptable.

“It is anti-social, it’s potentially hazardous and it means the Council using resources that could be much better used on supporting vulnerable people in our communities to clear it up.

“I hope the issuing of this latest £400 Fixed Penalty Notice makes clear, Sefton Council will not tolerate fly-tipping and if we identify that you are responsible for it, we will come after you.”

Sefton Council’s Enforcement Officers are actively pursuing more cases where fly-tipping has been reported.

Cllr Harvey added:
“A further 15 similar, possible cases are in the pipeline, so more people may soon be getting an unwelcome surprise visit from our Enforcement team  and facing a hefty fine.”

During a recent Sefton Council campaign to tackle fly-tipping in Bootle, local residents said they supported the initiative

Discussions with over 1,200 local residents during the campaign showed that 98% of them knew what day their bin bags were collected, where to place bin bags for collection and how to get rid of larger items.

Over 90% of them understood that local charities would take unwanted furniture in good condition and more than 80% knew how to report incidents of fly tipping and the people responsible for the fly tipping.

People can find out more about disposing of rubbish, including reporting fly-tipping, at www.sefton.gov.uk/bins.

Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Do you need advertising, PR or media support? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: mediaandrewbrownn@gmail.com  

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