Srudents at Christ The King High School in Birkdale in Southport

Christ The King Catholic High School and Sixth form Centre in Southport is celebrating being recognised as a ‘Good’ school by Ofsted inspectors. 

The school, on Stamford Road in Birkdale, was also found to be ‘Good’ across the board, in all four main judgments: Quality of Education, Behaviour & Attitudes, Personal Development; and Leadership & Management. 

Christ The King Headteacher Mrs Erin Wheeler said “we are incredibly proud of this” as she thanked her colleagues, governors, parents and pupils for their part in the school’s ongoing success. 

Ofsted inspectors, who carried out the inspection in November, praised the school for teaching and mentoring pupils and Sixth Form students to “be the best version of themselves”. 

Mrs Erin Wheeler said: “I want to thank our parents, our children, governors and all of the staff at Christ the King for working together as a team resulting in this significant achievement.

“The report highlights the significant work that has taken place to improve the school since the last inspection, we are incredibly proud of this!

“The opening lines in the Ofsted report sum up what we are as a school and what we have worked incredibly hard to achieve…’Pupils feel happy, safe and valued at this welcoming school. They enjoy a calm and respectful environment that helps them to study and learn. 

Pupils and staff are immensely proud of the improvements made to the school in recent years’. 

“We are proud that our pupils and Sixth Form students are taught to ‘be the best version of themselves’ through positive attitudes towards their learning and their behaviour’.

“Ofsted also recognised our wide and varied extra-curricular offer – ‘Pupils appreciate the vast array of extra-curricular activities on offer to them. They relish experiences that help them to nurture their wider talents and develop their leadership skills. Pupils know that their opinions matter. They said that they feel listened to by staff’. 

Srudents at Christ The King High School in Birkdale in Southport

Srudents at Christ The King High School in Birkdale in Southport

“We are delighted with the feedback regarding how inclusive we are as a school… ‘The school promptly identifies pupils with SEND… teachers adapt the delivery of the curriculum to enable these pupils to access it successfully… Pupils with SEND, and those who are disadvantaged, are included in all aspects of school life’.

“Our pupils and Sixth Form students are ‘well prepared for their next steps in education, training or employment’ and that the nurturing and personal development our pupils receive from the moment they are placed with us in Year 6 through to the day they leave us in Year 13 enables Sixth Form students to become ‘excellent role models for the rest of the school’.

“Staff and governors are proud to be part of this school community and this was recognised throughout the inspection… ‘Governors know the school extremely well. They support and challenge leaders during meetings and when visiting the school. At all levels, leaders actively look for areas that they can further improve. This ensures that there is a clear, consistent focus on strengthening the school’s quality of education for all pupils’. 

“Staff are proud members of the school community. They work hard and feel valued. The school engages with staff well to reduce their workload while encouraging them to contribute new ideas to make the school a better place for pupils.”  



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