Proposals have been revealed for a new SPAR convenience store on the border between Halsall and Birkdale, creating 30 new jobs.
The new shop would be built on a field at the junction of Moss Road and Benthams Way, near to Christ The King Catholic High School.
A planning application has been submitted to West Lancashire Borough Council.
The new 586 sqm SPAR would include a car park with 24 spaces.
It would be open between 6am and 11pm, seven days a week including Sundays and Bank Holidays.
The application has been submitted on behalf of James Hall & Co by Smith & Love Planning Consultants.
In the submission they said: “The proposal comprises the erection of a convenience store and associated works. The convenience store extends to 280 sq m net floorspace and 586 sq m gross external area and will be operated by SPAR..
“The proposed store is positioned centrally within the site, with access taken from Benthams Way. The car parking and manoeuvring areas will be to the front of the store.
“The convenience store will serve a local catchment area predominantly meeting the day-to-day needs of residents living in close proximity to the site, as well as drawing trade from passers-by.
“The proposed store adopts a contemporary form and appearance and is single storey with a ridge height of 8.5 metres (approx).
“The proposal includes 24 car parking spaces, including 3 accessible spaces and 3 staff parking bays. There are 3 cycle stands and a motorcycle bay is also proposed.
“The proposal will provide employment opportunities, as approximately 30 jobs will be created (15 full time and 15 part time) in addition to short term jobs in construction.
“The proposed convenience store will be open between 6am and 11pm, 7 days a week including Sundays and Bank Holidays.
“The proposal includes a delivery area to the north of the proposed store, away from nearby residential properties. Deliveries will be received 6am-10pm and will be unloaded via the store’s service entrance. The store will receive on average 1-2 ambient stock deliveries a week by an articulated vehicle and 6 fresh chilled product deliveries per week by articulated HGV. In addition, deliveries of fresh produce (eg bread and milk) and newspapers are made daily by small vans.

“It has been demonstrated that the proposal would not impact on the health of nearby local centres and that there are no suitable sequentially preferable sites that could accommodate the proposed development.
“There are specific locational requirements for a store in this location as the proposed SPAR will serve a local catchment area. The site lies in a sustainable location, well served by different means of transport.
“Whilst the site lies within safeguarded land, it has been demonstrated that the proposed development would not prejudice delivery of the remainder of the site for housing, or prevent the site from delivering the full allocation of 240 dwellings required by the Local Plan.
“The proposed development will increase the convenience goods offer in this part of the borough, helping to address the shortage of provision in this area; providing a convenience facility for existing residents in Halsall and proposed future residents of the Moss Road allocated sites.”
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