Southport’s youngest landlords are expanding their empire as they take on Southport town centre’s oldest pub!
Neil Walsh and Tom Hodgin, who already run the award-winning pub The Windmill in Southport town centre, are excited to be taking over The Cheshire Lines Inn today!
The historic venue on King Street, owned by Star Pubs & Bars, is over 200 years old and is officially Grade II Listed.
It first opened in 1817 – two years after the Battle of Waterloo – and was originally called The Cross Keys Inn. The building behind the Cheshire Lines was called The Horse & Jockey.
It changed its name to The Cheshire Lines in around 1890 and was officially Grade II Listed in 1972.
Neil and Tom said: “We can’t keep it a secret any longer!
“We’re excited to announce that on Friday 7th October we will be the new custodians of The Cheshire Lines, after many years closed we look forward to taking the reins and welcoming you in.
“The Cheshire lines will remain closed for a week or two whilst we give her a quick lick of paint and some maintenance.
“Watch out for new social media pages and our website
“We are so excited for The Cheshire Lines to join our pub family and are proud to have it alongside The Windmill.
“Long live the local!”

The Cheshire Lines, on King Street in Southport town centre, was closed for over two years, since the Covid-19 pandemic hit the UK in March 2020, reopening under a temporary landlady in June this year as Stand Up For Southport helped the firm to advertise for new long-term licensees.
A spokesperson for owners Star Pubs & Bars said: “The Cheshire Lines is a popular pub at the heart of the community with a secret garden at the back which is ideal for customers with children and dogs.”
Neil and Tom have already achieved huge success with The Windmill, overseeing its restoration into one of the busiest and most welcoming community pubs in the town, famous for its top quality home cooked food.
Earlier this year it was honoured as one of the best in Merseyside, having been shortlisted in the Pub of The Year category in the 2022 Liverpool City Region Tourism Awards.
The Windmill has its own rich history, with the first official records of the pub dating from about 1833. Originally three fisherman’s cottages, it has expanded over the years.

Neil and Tom were the youngest pub landlords in Southport when they took over the running of the iconic pub, at the age of 26.
They didn’t waste a second during the Covid lockdowns, using the time to carry out a £15,000 revamp of the venue with new-look seating inside, improvements to the kitchen, a roaring fire keeping customers warm in winter, and brand new outdoor furniture in the venue’s famous beer garden.
They see The Windmill as a real “community hub for Southport”, and have worked hard to stage events such as Christmas fayres as well as encouraging darts, dominoes and other teams.
They have also become a major part of the local community, supporting other local businesses in the area.
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