An historic Southport town centre church which is nearly 150 years old is facing closure.
Trustees have now launched an appeal to find a local organisation which might be interested in buying the Grade II Listed St George’s United Reformed Church “at a fair price”.
If no buyer is forthcoming then the building, situated on Lord Street next to Sainsbury;s supermarket, will be sold on the open market.
The church was formed in 1869 as a Presbyterian Church of England local church and began life worshipping in Southport Town Hall.
It is one of six churches in the Southport & Formby Team Ministry.
In a letter, St George’s Church Secretary Neil MacKenzie wrote: “The church is managed by the ministers and elders (a committee of the members of the church).
“It is with sadness that the church members have decided that we will be ceasing worship at the Church, most likely on 23rd April 2023, because of declining numbers in the congregation.
“When this happens, the trustee of the building (the United Reformed Church (Mersey Province) Trust Limited) will take possession with a view to disposal.
“In the meantime, the elders are making the closure publicly known with a view to ascertaining whether there is an organisation or group of organisations who would be interested in taking over the buildings (the church building and the church hall at the rear) for the benefit of the community at a fair price.
“If proposals were forthcoming from the community, the elders meeting would be keen to put them to the trustee for consideration as a suitable legacy from the church to the town.
“If it turns out that there is no interest, the buildings will be disposed of by the trustee on best terms, which usually means highest price for development.
“The church would regret this happening if there had been an opportunity for community use which had not been explored.
“This is why we are making our closure widely known now.”
- Are you interested in more details about St George’s United Reformed Church? Please email:
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