Enjoy four new Comedy Bingo Winter Socials coming to Southport Market this November and December

Andrew Brown
5 Min Read
The third Comedy Bingo Spring Social at Southport Market was a huge success, with another great turnout and lots of prizes being won! The event was sponsored by Halliwell Jones MINI Southport

People can enjoy four brand new Comedy Bingo Winter Socials at Southport Market this November and December! 

The events, organised by Big Comedy UK, offer a fun and affordable way for people of all ages to have a great time and form new friendships. 

The Comedy Bingo Winter Socials are being supported by the Halliwell Jones MINI Big Love campaign.

The initiative sees Halliwell Jones MINI pledging to build a brighter future for each other and our planet by connecting people through amazing experiences. 

Eyes down – head down to Southport for events taking place at Southport Market on: 

Wednesday 1st November 2023

Wednesday 15th November 2023

Wednesday 29th November 2023 

Wednesday 13rth December 2023 

The gatherings see doors at Southport Market, on King Street in Southport town centre, open at 1pm, with the shows starting at 1.30pm and finishing at 3.30pm. 

Tickets cost just £3 each and include all the bingo cards you need, in addition to a free cup of tea, cup of coffee, glass of wine or glass of lager.  

The events have been created and are being hosted by Big Comedy UK and Southport Comedy Festival Director Brendan Riley as a way of bringing people together and tackling isolation during these cold months. 

People can book their place via Skiddle or the Big Comedy website www.bigcomedyuk.com 

Comedy Bingo at Southport Market. The event was sponsored by Halliwell Jones MINI Southport

Tickets can also be bought on the door on the day of the events, subject to availability.

People or groups, can call Brendan Riley on 07770591625 to book in. 

These are the first four dates released, with four additional shows due to take place in the new year. More details will be given soon. 

Brendan Riley said: “We’re really looking forward to welcoming people to our new Comedy Bingo Winter Socials at Southport Market this November and December! 

“We’d like to thank Halliwell Jones MINI and their Big Love campaign for making these events possible. 

“Winter can be a tough and lonely time for people with the weather getting colder and the nights getting darker. 

“We wanted to put smiles on people’s faces by creating really relaxed, enjoyable, fun events where people can come down on their own, with babies or kids, with friends, as part of groups.

“We want to see grandads, grannies, mums and kids, dads and kids, anyone feeling socially isolated. 

“We want to welcome people aged three years old to 103 years old to come down and feel the warmth.  

“It’s always lovely to see a room full of senior citizens, parents, people on their own and others sitting and enjoying the bingo with some young children running around the room! 

“It’s a very friendly and welcoming environment – we just want to see people come and have a great time with us. 

Comedy Bingo at Southport Market. The event was sponsored by Halliwell Jones MINI Southport

“Thanks to our sponsorship through Halliwell Jones, we have managed to keep admission costs very affordable, with the £3 including a drink of your choice plus bingo cards. 

“The food stalls at Southport Market will be open for anyone who fancies getting anything to eat, with lots of choice available. 

“We are delighted to be hosting these events at Southport Market, which is warm and centrally located with excellent bus and train links.

“Come down, have a fantastic afternoon, meet new people and have the chance to win some great bingo prizes too!

“We are always looking for raffle prizes for our Winter Socials, if anyone can help then please get in touch.” 

Have you never been to a Comedy Bingo event before? Then you’re in for a real treat. 

It’s a fun and interactive show hosted by professional comedian Brendan Riley. Comedy Bingo has raised thousands of pounds for charities, sports clubs, schools, Scout groups and many more good causes over the last eight years. The show appeals to audiences of all ages. 

For more details please email Brendan Riley at: bigcomedyuk@gmail.com or call: 07770591625

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