Don’t remain a parasite – help us make Southport a better place instead

Andrew Brown
4 Min Read
Cans of Fosters discarded in the sand dunes in Southport. Photo by Jonathan Cunningham

Dear Southport Resident(s),

I do hope you are well and looking after yourself. I noticed you visited our beautiful sand dunes yesterday. Did you know they have world protected status and are deemed a site of special scientific importance (SSSI). You chose well.

Just a brief note to inform you no need to return today to collect your discarded Fosters cans you clearly enjoyed yesterday in the sun. Myself, and my dogs Alfie and Dotty happily collected your waste this morning. I have noted that this is the 4th weekend in a row you have enjoyed your beers. Incidentally, in the same spot! It is a great view. Last week it was Corona beers (was that all they had left maybe!). I must thank you for being thoughtful enough to ensure you leave your white bag you bought them in. It does make collecting them that bit easier – thank you.

I guess you are also the same person that has little regard, respect or appreciation for our amazing NHS workers, Armed Services, or those working in social care. I guess you don’t pay your respects by clapping on a Thursday night but instead turn up the sound on your Netflix so you’re not disturbed. You comfort yourself with your belief that ‘I’m not clapping someone for doing their job!’ or ‘they chose to be a nurse’. How disappointing.

Yet, you enjoyed those beers and your impressive overhand throw of your ‘tinnies’ into our Southport sand dunes. Well done.


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I hope someday you realise that no one owes you a living, that the greatest gift in life is giving. That you can play the victim all your life but until you place other people before yourself your life will not change. You will remain a parasite on society; expecting, demanding and never ever your fault. As a result you remain inwardly angry, never content, never fulfilled, never at peace with life. I pity you.

You also clearly have too much time on your hands. So, why not volunteer to help out at Southport Hospital, in a care home or deliver food to those veterans who fought for your very freedom that allows you to drink beer in our sand dunes today. Or instead you can ignore all this and do the same next weekend.

Finally, I wish one day you find genuine happiness. That true wealth isn’t in a can or bottle. However, be assured I will continue to collect your empties as I care more about our beautiful Southport than clearly you do.

But Fosters….please! Next time please select a fine quality beer such as Sandgrounder, you will also find it travels further with your overhand throw!

Yours Jonathan, Alfie and Dotty

Southport residents too.

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