Bold Hotel to close Essential Items store after providing food for thousands of families

Andrew Brown
5 Min Read
The Bold Hotel in Southport and their sister business the Eccleston Arms in St Helens have supplied thousands of items of food to key workers and vulnerable people in our communities during the coronavirus crisis.

The Bold Hotel in Southport and their sister business the Eccleston Arms in St Helens have supplied thousands of items of food to key workers and vulnerable people in our communities. 

They have even been supported by comedian Johnny Vegas as they delivered essential supplies to those in need. 

Now their Essential Items store is coming to an end this Friday (May 29), with supermarkets and other stores extending their opening hours and lockdown restrictions being eased. 

When the coronavirus outbreak saw cases and deaths suddenly start escalating in March, it prompted an outbreak of panic buying. Supermarket shelves were stripped of goods with NHS, key workers, elderly and vulnerable people distraught at not being able to get hold of food and essential supplies such as toilet rolls. 


The Bold Hotel in Southport and their sister business the Eccleston Arms in St Helens have supplied thousands of items of food to key workers and vulnerable people in our communities during the coronavirus crisis. They have even been supported by comedian Johnny Vegas as they delivered essential supplies to those in need.
The Bold Hotel in Southport and their sister business the Eccleston Arms in St Helens have supplied thousands of items of food to key workers and vulnerable people in our communities during the coronavirus crisis. They have even been supported by comedian Johnny Vegas as they delivered essential supplies to those in need.

A Bold Hotel spokesman said: “Just over nine weeks ago the country was set to go into lockdown, and many supermarkets were struggling to meet demand for basic essential items.

“Following a call between Andrew Mikhail and Martin Blondel from The Steve Prescott Foundation, The Bold Hotel and The Eccleston Arms Essential Items store was set up and running on 21st March, only 24 hours after that phone call.

“The store initially provided a safe environment for NHS, key workers and those supporting the elderly and vulnerable to shop 24 hours a day extending our service to offer deliveries to those in need.

“Across both of our sites we have made thousands of deliveries, without charge, seven days a week. Our team and wonderful volunteers put themselves at risk to keep as many people as possible safe at home.

“As the supermarkets and stores are now extending their opening hours and have increased their delivery services we feel that the right time has come to close our Essential Items Store. “The service will be available until Friday 29th May.


The Bold Hotel in Southport and their sister business the Eccleston Arms in St Helens have supplied thousands of items of food to key workers and vulnerable people in our communities during the coronavirus crisis.
The Bold Hotel in Southport and their sister business the Eccleston Arms in St Helens have supplied thousands of items of food to key workers and vulnerable people in our communities during the coronavirus crisis.

“When we look back at what has been achieved by this wonderful team we feel incredibly proud of each and every person involved.” 

Staff at the Bold Hotel and the Eccleston Arms were able to:

-Deliver thousands of supplies

-Offer hotel rooms for key workers.

-Pass produce donations to charities, foodbanks and the homeless

-Provide countless free food to those awaiting the Council Help Line to be set up.

-Collect emergency food vouchers for people using the food bank.

-Collect medicines and prescriptions for those in need.

-Collect and deliver PPE to frontline NHS and care providers.

-Sell NHS stickers to assist in raising funds for the NHS Council initiated fundraising scheme.

-Collect 800 Easter eggs from supporters and distributing to NHS and liaising with the council to deliver to young parents whose children wouldn’t be able to receive an Easter egg.

A spokesman said: “We have enjoyed bringing smiles to faces with our roast dinner and afternoon tea deliveries, these services will continue to be offered.

“We are preparing all areas of The Bold to ensure we are ready to welcome you back safely as soon as we are able to.”

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