Bates Dairy milk floats will lead Clap For Carers convoy past Southport Hospital

Andrew Brown
2 Min Read
A convoy of Bates milk floats and other vehilces took part in a parade past Southport Hospital for the weekly Clap For Carers event

A convoy of milk floats and wagons will drive past Southport and Formby District General Hospital during the latest Clap For Carers event tonight. 

They will head past the hospital, on Town Lane in Kew, at around 8pm in order to pay their own tribute to all those frontline NHS staff, carers, key and essential workers, and others who are sacrificing their own safety in order to preserve the welfare of others. 

The convoy is being organised by staff at Southport firm Bates Dairy, which is based on Stamford Road in Birkdale. 

Bates milkman Terry Southwood said: “Tonight the Bates Dairy lads and ladies are doing a milk float and wagon convoy. We will leave the yard at 7.54pm so we that we will go past Southport Hospital A&E at 8pm to show our respect to the NHS and all essential workers. Stay safe you awesome people! We will be making a noise so I do apologise in advance.

“There will be wagons, transit vans, I think the whole fleet is going, not 100% sure until we get to the yard.

“We will be going down Benthams Way to Town Lane, past Southport Hospital then back around the roundabout and  past the hospital again.

“I thought about it the other week and then spoke to Ste Bates and Chris Bates and they said ‘yes, sort it’. We  have banners made just to say thanks to the NHS and all care workers and essential workers for what they are doing in this crazy time of life we are living through at the moment.”

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