Tributes in the Town Hall Gardens Southport to the girls killed and those injured in the Hart Street tragedy. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport

Guest Blog by Katarzyna Gajowy CEO, Mind Balance Solutions 

In light of the recent tragic events in Southport, where three young lives were tragically lost, Mind Balance Solutions CIC, situated just 20 minutes away, wishes to express our deepest condolences and sympathy to all those affected. 

As a community-focused organisation, we are committed to providing immediate and ongoing support to address the urgent mental health needs of young people and their families.

Preventing another Southport tragedy is paramount, and we stand ready to help. 

For the past five years, Mind Balance Solutions has been dedicated to supporting families, parents, and adults through counselling, psychotherapy, and referrals to medical professionals. We share the growing concerns regarding the decline in children’s well-being, a sentiment echoed by parents, educators, and professionals across society. 

Recently, we put forward a plan to establish a dedicated hub for children and young people to offer counselling and psychoeducational services. 

Tributes in the Town Hall Gardens Southport to the girls killed and those injured in the Hart Street tragedy. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport

Tributes in the Town Hall Gardens Southport to the girls killed and those injured in the Hart Street tragedy. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport

While this proposal received support from many professionals in Sefton, it was unfortunately declined by the Sefton Council. 

We firmly believe that free mental health support, funded by local government, can play a critical role in preventing such tragedies and improving the mental health landscape for young people.

The pressures of social media frequently lead to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity, sometimes pushing individuals towards harmful actions. It is imperative that we act now to make mental health support more accessible and integrate it into community organisations like ours.

Our Mental Health Education initiative underscores our commitment to working collaboratively with the government to address these issues. This initiative aims to incorporate mental health education into school curricula, providing children and families with the tools to manage stress, build emotional intelligence, and develop empathy. 

Tributes in the Town Hall Gardens Southport to the girls killed and those injured in the Hart Street tragedy. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport

Tributes in the Town Hall Gardens Southport to the girls killed and those injured in the Hart Street tragedy. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport

By introducing psychological education, advocating for policy changes, and offering comprehensive support, we can foster a healthier society. 

Mind Balance Solutions offers free counselling for individuals of all ages, including young children and families. Counselling not only helps prevent mental health issues but also provides essential support for those already affected. We also facilitate referrals to third-party services to ensure comprehensive care for our community. However, all these services are only possible if funding is available. 

As a Community Interest Company, we rely heavily on funding from external sources such as the council, other charities, and public donations. 

Unfortunately, due to limited funding in recent years, we have been unable to meet the growing demand for our services, resulting in an ever-expanding waiting list. 

Without sufficient financial support, our ability to assist everyone in need is severely restricted, and we urge continued investment to sustain and expand this vital work. We urgently call for your attention and assistance in prioritising mental health. Together, we can prevent future tragedies and build a safer, more supportive community. We are keen to meet with you to discuss how policies can be improved to address mental health concerns effectively. 

Mind Balance Solutions is dedicated to making it easier for communities, companies, and charities to access funding for professional organisations like ours. Despite our efforts, funding has repeatedly been denied because mental health is not currently deemed a priority. This is unacceptable, and we must act now as a society to create a better and safer world. 

We urge everyone to consider the crucial issues highlighted by Jonathan Haidt in “The Anxious Generation,” which emphasises the importance of linking education to mental health through the following reforms: 

No Smartphones Before High School

Encourage parents to delay providing smartphones with internet access to children until high school, offering basic phones instead. 

By limiting smartphone use during these formative years, we can protect children from the distractions and potential negative influences of the digital world, allowing them to focus on their education and social development in a healthier environment. This measure can help reduce anxiety and social pressures, fostering a more balanced and grounded childhood experience. No Social Media Before Age 16 

Advise parents to restrict social media access for children until at least age 16. This restriction supports critical brain development without undue pressures from social media platforms, which often amplify feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. By postponing exposure to social media, we can help young people develop a stronger sense of self-esteem and emotional resilience, better equipping them to handle the challenges of adolescence and beyond. 

Device-Free School Days 

Implement policies requiring students to store personal devices in locked pouches during school hours. This initiative promotes focus and enhances interpersonal interactions among students by reducing digital distractions in the classroom. By fostering a device-free learning environment, we can encourage students to engage more deeply with their studies and peers, cultivating essential social skills and a more immersive educational experience. 

At Mind Balance Solutions, we are championing an initiative to integrate mental health and well-being education into school curricula. Unlike the other points, this initiative is not drawn from Haidt’s book but is our commitment to addressing the mental health crisis among young people. 

Our goal is to work closely with educational policymakers to develop a curriculum that teaches children and families how to manage stress, build emotional intelligence, and foster empathy. By incorporating mental health education into schools, we aim to equip young people with the tools and knowledge they need to maintain good mental health throughout their lives. We are eager to collaborate with government agencies and educational institutions to shape policies that prioritise mental health education, ensuring it becomes a fundamental aspect of every child’s learning journey. 

These cost-effective reforms can greatly enhance adolescent mental health by reducing distractions, promoting real-world interactions, and encouraging independent problem-solving skills. Our new educational subject will equip young people and their families with the knowledge and skills to maintain good mental health. Thank you for your attention and support.

Mind Balance Solutions is ready to extend our workshops, counselling, and psychoeducation sessions to support the communities of Sefton and Liverpool. Our goal is to normalise the mental health situation and provide long-term support to the community. 

Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: [email protected]

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