£3m Lakeside Adventure Centre scheme will create ‘coastal gateway’ with more beds and new events space

Andrew Brown
4 Min Read
Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre in Waterloo

An ambitious £3million redevelopment of Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre has been approved. 

Sefton Council’s Virtual Planning Committee granted planning permission to remodel and extend the water sports and visitor centre next to Marine Lake in Waterloo with space for 38 more beds and a new conference and events space and a roof terrace. 

Manchester-based studio Imagineering Global, which prepared the plans on behalf of the council, says “the centre should be developed as a coastal gateway by creating a destination attraction and vibrant community hub.”

It is another ambitious project being pursued by Sefton Council, which last week revealed its vision to either build a new £70million Southport Theatre and Conference Centre or to remodel the existing building, in order to generate new income and attract trade for nearby businesses in the town.

The local authority is also keen to redevelop Southport Market into a food, drink and events hub along the lines of Altrincham Market.

Read More: Revealed: How new world class Southport Theatre and Conference Centre could look

After planning permission was granted yesterday they will now aim to make Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre more commercial, in order to generate income from a venue which has been incurring losses in recent years.  

The two-storey visitor building at Crosby Coastal Park offers leisure facilities on the ground floor and hotel rooms on the first floor. 

The project will  reconfigure the building to better differentiate between the two uses, to maximise existing revenue and create new revenue streams.  

In their Design & Access statement, Imagineering Global said: “In the current challenging economic climate Sefton Council is looking to maximise revenue streams from all its assets including the Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre which currently incurs significant annual losses.

“The Council is looking to explore the potential opportunities offered by a re-invigorated asset and maximise the potential for income generation from the delivery of quality services.”

Under the plans, a 2,200 sq ft conference and events space will be constructed on an area of hardstanding to the west of the building. 

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An additional 38-beds across eight rooms will be accommodated within a ‘bunk barn’, constructed on the roof of the building to provide an extra 2,000 sq ft of sleeping space. 

The bunk barn will be designed to accommodate school children, club members, or businesses visiting the centre on trips. Its creation would free up four existing bedrooms to be refurbished. 

Other elements of the project include an entrance lobby, which would provide access for visitors to the newly refurbished bar and restaurant, and an extension to the restaurant in the form of a glazed terrace. 

A full business case was approved last November and the council’s planning committee has now recommended the scheme can go ahead.

Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: mediaandrewbrown@gmail.com

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