Leading up to Kew roundabout in Southport, part of the Southport Eastern Access scheme. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport

Nearly £17 million is due to be spent on a series of measures to reduce traffic congestion so that more people can get into Southport while travelling from West Lancashire to the east. 

Phase 1 of the Southport Eastern Access scheme, led by Sefton Council, is due to start ‘as soon as possible’ after £16.8 million was identified for a series of projects. 

They include: 

  • localised widening at the junction of Bispham Road and Norwood Road 
  • junction improvement including widening at the junction of Sussex Road and Norwood Road 
  • the reopening of Foul Lane to traffic including cycleway proposals 
  • a series of improvement and traffic mitigation measures in the Norwood area. 

The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) has received a City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement allocation from the Department for Transport to deliver highway improvement and maintenance projects throughout the Liverpool City Region by March 2027, including within Southport. 

An allocation of funding for £16.8 million has been identified to fund Southport Eastern Access projects. 

It will help attract more visitors coming to visit Southport town centre and major events such as Southport Flower Show and Southport Air Show, as well as relieving pressure on Meols Cop Road after the opening of recent businesses ar Meols Cop Retail Park such as Sainsbury’s, PureGym and Hobbycraft. 

The scheme will be discussed by Sefton Council’s Cabinet on Thursday (23rd May 2024). 

In a report, Sefton Council Assistant Director of Place (Highways and Public Protection) said: “In January 2024 Cabinet considered a report seeking approval to the Procurement process of Phase 1 of the Southport Eastern Access (SEA) scheme. 

Foul Lane in Southport could be reopened by Sefton Council under the Southport Eastern Access scheme

Foul Lane in Southport could be reopened by Sefton Council under the Southport Eastern Access scheme

“This was a series of junction and link improvements on key routes on the eastern approach to Southport including the re-opening of Foul Lane.

“The proposals were intended to reduce congestion, particularly on days when large numbers of visitors are attracted to the town. The measures were also designed to improve safety and accessibility. 

“In the development of the proposals further consideration was given to how people walking or cycling could better access the town centre and hence the scope of the scheme was developed further to include a significant active travel element.. 

“The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) has confirmed an allocation of £16.8m in the current City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) for the delivery of the Southport Eastern Access scheme. This needs to be expended by March 2027. 

“Details of the likely phasing, land requirements, traffic management proposals and construction timescales are being developed to ensure, as far as possible, that schemes, up to the current funding allocation, can be delivered before March 2027. 

“A Gateway 3 application, aimed at securing funds to progress design work, early contractor involvement and other costs, has been successful. A Grant Funding Agreement (GFA) will shortly be received, it is expected that this will be for the full amount requested. 

“A Gateway 4 application, aimed at securing the cost of works delivery and associated costs, will then be submitted to the relevant Panel for scrutiny. In parallel to this process a Full Business Case will be submitted and reviewed. The target date for the submission of both is July 2024. If both the FBC and Gateway 4 application is approved, this should generate a GFA for approximately £16.3m. This should be approved by late summer/early Autumn. 

“Most of the design is complete, but there are some specific elements currently under development. This includes a series of safety and traffic mitigation measures planned for within the Norwood Ward where traffic patterns are likely to be influenced by the re-opening of Foul Lane to general traffic, which is one of the elements of the proposed scheme. Some further ground investigation works is also being undertaken on an area of the scheme where ground conditions are challenging. 

“A decision will be made shortly on the elements to form Phase 1 to enable works to commence as soon as possible following receipt of funding and the necessary approvals. 

“Work will then progress on the securing of the land necessary to accommodate Phase 2. 

“The scheme details and associated consultation process will be set out in a report to the Council’s Licensing and Regulatory Committee in June 2024 for the junction and active travel improvements and in September 2024 for the mitigation and safety measures in the Norwood Ward.”

Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Do you need advertising, PR or media support? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: [email protected]  

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