Southport woman launches new career as an Egyptologist to inspire children’s imaginations

Andrew Brown
6 Min Read
Molly Osborne has launched an exciting new career as an Egyptologist. Molly is currently a member of staff at The Atkinson in Southport

A Southport woman who loves the ancient world has revealed how she launched an exciting new career – as an Egyptologist!

Molly Osborne, who grew up in and works in Southport and now lives in Preston, loves nothing more than bringing the magic of one of the world’s most fascinating civilisations to life for children in schools through special talks and events.

She was inspired to pursue her career through her love of the Percy Jackson series of books as a child.

Molly then developed her passion through studying Egyptology and Classical Civilisation (BA Hons) at Swansea University before continuing completing a Master’s course in Art Gallery and Museum Studies at the University of Manchester.

In June this year she took the plunge and decided to turn her passion of teaching into her own Egyptology business!

Molly is now advertising her services to different schools, museums, societies, and private collectors.

Once this develops she hopes to expand her talks and teaching to Greek and Roman history too, especially the things she loves – languages, religion, and art.

Molly Osborne has launched an exciting new career as an Egyptologist. Molly working as a Student Ambassador at Swansea University
Molly Osborne has launched an exciting new career as an Egyptologist. Molly working as a Student Ambassador at Swansea University

Molly says she fell in love with ancient cultures at 11 years old, when she read the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan – which is about the Greek gods in the modern world. He continued to write with Egyptian, Norse and Graeco–Roman series, that furthered her love for the ancient world.

At Swansea, she expanded her knowledge of classical Greek and Latin, and delved into the Egyptians beliefs of demons, death rituals, and archaeology. She discovered her true passion for museum work. It started as a placement where her role was gallery assistant, which then led to a part-time volunteer position where she taught school groups, members of the public and started collections work.

Molly Osborne has launched an exciting new career as an Egyptologist. Molly and her fellow students researching into Cypriot vessels
Molly Osborne has launched an exciting new career as an Egyptologist. Molly and her fellow students researching into Cypriot vessels

After her time at university, she acquired a job at The Atkinson, which has its own Egyptology gallery. The staff at The Atkinson aided her advancement in her career by encouraging her to do her activities and talks in their space.

Molly Osborne has launched an exciting new career as an Egyptologist. Molly is currently a member of staff at The Atkinson in Southport
Molly Osborne has launched an exciting new career as an Egyptologist. Molly is currently a member of staff at The Atkinson in Southport

Molly said: “In June this year, I finally made the decision to turn my passion of teaching into my own business. Now I am advertising my services to different schools, museums, societies, and private collectors.

“This is part time as I have a part time crafting business with my Mum, called Oh, Yarn It! and still work at the Atkinson, where I do gallery and theatre work, alongside my Egyptological teaching.

“I am also lucky enough to be one of the beekeepers there!”

Molly Osborne has launched an exciting new career as an Egyptologist. Molly as a beekeeper
Molly Osborne has launched an exciting new career as an Egyptologist. Molly as a beekeeper

Molly’s services include collections research for museums and private collectors, talks and lectures for societies and social groups, and teaching Egyptology in a creative way.

She said: “I have sewn up a dummy mummy to perform mummification on, made puppets to tell the story of how Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamun, created shabtis, written names in hieroglyphs, and demonstrated how to play the ancient game of Senet.

Molly Osborne has launched an exciting new career as an Egyptologist. Molly's recent Egyptology activity, mummification
Molly Osborne has launched an exciting new career as an Egyptologist. Molly’s recent Egyptology activity, mummification

“One thing that is important to me is teaching in these methods to children and adults.

“Not only is Egyptology an interesting topic to many people I meet, but I really believe adults should embrace their inner child and have some fun!

“Once this has started to kick off, I hope to expand the talks and teaching to Greek and Roman history too, especially the things I love – languages, religion, and art.”

Right now, Molly is focussing on trying to reach out to schools to show children how interesting Egyptology is.

While she grew up and works in Southport, she recently moved to Preston, so she is spreading her expertise across Merseyside and Lancashire.

If anyone is interested, please get in touch via the details below, and you can also keep updated through Molly’s blog.


Instagram: @mollyosborneegyptologist


Phone: 07474 783054


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