Calls will be made this week for Southport Pier to be reopened “as soon as possible” and for every effort to be made for works to be carried out while parts of the pier remain open.
Sefton Council announced last month that an estimated £13 million is needed to carry out substantial repairs to the historic attraction.
Speaking at the special Cabinet meeting recently, Labour councillors Marion Atkinson, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Skills, said: “It is abundantly clear how important the pier is to all of us.
“We all want to find a solution to the issues facing this well-loved historic asset as soon as we possibly can.”
At the full Sefton Council meeting this Thursday (13th July 2023), the leaders of the Conservative and Lib Dem parties in Sefton will both put forward motions adding their calls for everything possible to be done to reopen the Victorian structure – the second longest pier in the UK – as soon as possible.
Sefton Conservative leader Cllr Mike Prendergast will put forward a motion which says: “Southport is fortunate to be blessed with many unique and historic buildings and structures. This benefits local businesses, residents and all those people who visit the town.
“This heritage and history enables Southport to market itself as a unique tourist destination and one of Southport’s most iconic structures is the Pier.
“At over 160 years old and the second longest in the UK it is synonymous with Southport and its Victorian heritage.
“People travel from far and wide to visit the Pier and enjoy it. It is therefore, deeply regrettable that the Pier has had to close.
“Whilst we all recognise that on occasion works need to be carried out, these should (where possible) be done in a manner that keeps the Pier open and accessible to all.

“Therefore, this council resolves:
- To commit to re-open the Pier as soon as possible.
- To make every effort to carry out any required repair works in a manner that allows the Pier to remain open whilst works are being undertaken.
- On the basis of the above, provide a firm date when works will commence, provide details of costs and a schedule of works to be undertaken in a report to the Audit & Governance meeting scheduled for 6th September 2023.”
Sefton Lib Dem Leader Cllr John Pugh will ask councillors to endorse his motion, which says: “This council recognises the reports and public concern about the state of Southport Pier.”
It is estimated that the full refurbishment works required to ensure The Pier can open safely again could exceed £13 million, more than £10 million in excess of the £3m that Sefton Council has already agreed to borrow to fund decking replacement.
In addition to the full decking replacement, this would include additional work to the Pier’s sub-structure and steelwork, but the likely costs of this full refurbishment project are beyond the affordability of the council.

In order to address this significant funding gap, the Council’s Cabinet has agreed to progress engagement as quickly as possible with potential funders and stakeholders, given the importance of this heritage asset to the town and to local businesses.
Speaking at the special Cabinet meeting, Cllr Marion Atkinson, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Skills, said: “The pier is 163 years old and has an emotional attachment for many many people. It is Grade II listed and it is the oldest cast iron structure in the country.
“Not only that but it is a very complex structure with somewhere in the region of 30,000 pieces of board, a length of 1.1km, and is the second longest pier in the country.
“We will continue to look for a long term solution and now we can start to have some formal discussions about securing funding to reopen the pier.
“We know its importance emotionally, economically and historically. That’s why we continue to take action to secure its future for another 160 years.
“Our commitment is as clear and unequivocal as it can be.
“We want a refurbished pier and we will do all we can to work with whoever we need to, to get to that position.”
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