Southport became a sea of red on Sunday when the delayed Santa Dash for Queenscourt Hospice took place.
Hundreds of people of all ages donned red Santa suits before braving cold and rainy weather to run a 3km or a 5km course around the town in order to raise thousands of pounds in vital funding for the charity, which cares for people either at the hospice or at home across Southport, Formby and West Lancashire.
The event was originally due to take place in December, but had to be postponed due to sub-zero temperatures and treacherously icy weather.

Karen Grant said on Stand Up For Southport: “Well done all, especially the children, the dogs and the pram pushers.”
Stuart McCann said: “Another well organised event. Thanks to all who organised, volunteered and gave up their time to cheer us along.”
Ann Wearing said: “Well done, especially in the downpour.”

Runners, many with dogs, or prams and some in motorised scooters, set off from Silcock’s Funland.
Silcock’s once again sponsored the annual event, presenting a £1,000 cheque to Queenscourt through Southport MP Damien Moore before runners set off.
Silcock’s Operations Manager Serena Silcock-Prince said: “The Queenscourt Hospice Santa Sprint is a fabulous event for Southport! It really does bring everyone together.
“We’ve sponsored the Santa dash for 10 years already. This was our 11th year!

“As well as donating £1,000 to Queenscourt we covered the printing costs for the event as well as offering a free tea or coffee for every Santa and a discounted offer of just £1 for a bacon butty. This year we gave a free carousel ride to every Santa too.”
Volunteers from The Rotary Club of Southport were among those who provided marshals around the course.
Hickory’s Smokehouse in Kew sponsored the medals.

Oliver Halstead was first over the line, very closely followed by Ryan Pike.
Runners were cheered on as they raced past Marine Lake by a crowd of Hawaiian-themed Santas who were paddle boarding and waving while wearing their best festive costumes!

The SUP North group supports the event each year while also raising hundreds of pounds for the charity themselves.
Alan Taylor from SUP North said: “It was great to see many taking part in the dash on Sunday despite delays and less than ideal weather, all for a worthy cause indeed.”

Speaking of the paddle boarding Santas, Mel Jones said: “People like you, just lift the spirits. The country has gone to the dogs, thank you for giving us some hope.”
Doreen Harris said: “Fantastic and brave considering the weather.”

Following the Santa Sprint, participants were provided with free coffee and cake at The Grand on Lord Street in Southport, free soda at Hickory’s Smokehouse in Kew and a free week pass at Everlast Gym in Southport.
Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: