‘Queenscourt offers more than being a hospice and everyone needs to know’

Andrew Brown
5 Min Read
Ann Brown (left) and daughter Helen were impressed by the services offered by Queenscourt Hospice in Southport

A Southport woman whose mum was given ‘the best quality of life’ by Queenscourt Hospice before she died is taking part in a Santa Sprint in her memory. 

Ann Brown’s daughter, Helen, is also keen to spread awareness of the services offered by Queenscourt, saying: “It saddens me that there are people who are struggling at home with respiratory failure, not realising Queenscourt offers services that can help them.

Queenscourt Hospice is known for its extensive range of services and the excellent level of care that is delivered to over 1,800 patients a year. What is not so well known is the range of life-limiting illnesses that patients receive support for, enabling them to achieve the best possible quality of life at each new stage.

Two people who were not aware that the hospice’s care extended beyond cancer patients were Ann Brown and her daughter Helen.

Ann was diagnosed with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and later suffered cardiac failure, but she had no idea that she could be cared for by Queenscourt.

Even though Ann had a nursing background and had fundraised for Queenscourt for over 30 years, she hadn’t realised that Queenscourt offers support to people with a range of life-limiting illness.


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However, once Ann was referred to Queenscourt and became a patient in November 2018, her appreciation grew for the breadth of support that the hospice provides. Although never an in-patient, Ann was visited regularly by one of its palliative care nurses and night sitters under the Queenscourt  At Home service and also took part in Day Therapy sessions at the hospice once a week.

‘Mum had fabulous support from Queenscourt’

Ann’s daughter Helen will be forever grateful for the support that both she and her Mum received through Queesncourt: 

“Mum had absolutely fabulous support from Queenscourt,” said Helen. “She was initially tentative about going to Day Therapy, but as soon as she attended her first session she loved it and looked forward to going every week.

“She took part in arts and crafts, joined in raffles, had lunch every week and made friends, but it wasn’t just about the companionship and support she received. It also gave the team at Queenscourt the opportunity to keep an eye on her to see how she was coping, both physically and emotionally.”

Following Ann’s funeral, Helen presented Queenscourt with over £500 from donations given by friends and family, so that the hospice can continue caring for local people with a range of life-limiting illnesses.

‘Mum was surprised by the diversity of support from the hospice’

Helen is now planning to take part in Queenscourt’s annual Santa Sprint in December as a ‘thank you’ for all the support that her family received and to spread the word of the wonderful services that Queenscourt offers.

“Even with her nursing background, Mum was still surprised at the support Queenscourt gave and the diversity of that support,” said Helen.

“Queenscourt’s support enabled her to stay at home and made her quality of life the best it could possibly be.

“It saddens me that there are people who are struggling at home with respiratory failure, not realising Queenscourt offers services that can help them.”

Queenscourt Hospice is a local charity that provides free, high-quality care for the people of Southport, Formby and West Lancs. Staff care for patients with far advanced, progressive, incurable  illnesses, enabling them to achieve the best possible quality of life at each new stage.  

For more news about the work of Queenscourt Hospice, and how you can donate, please visit their queenscourt.org.uk website here.

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