Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery in Southport delighted as Ofsted rate it Good in every area

Andrew Brown
4 Min Read
Children at Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery in Southport

Staff at Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery in Southport say they are “ecstatic” after Ofsted inspectors gave them a glowing report. 

Monkey Puzzle was given an overall rating of ‘Good’ as the report was published this week, following an inspection which took place in May. 

The nursery was rated ‘Good’ in every area measured, including: Quality of education; Behaviour and attitudes; Personal development; and Good Leadership and management. 

The facility, on Hoghton Street in Southport town centre, offers full day care for 125 children between 0 and 3 years old. 

Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery Kayla Young said: “We were all so happy to get such feedback from the recent Ofsted inspection. 

“We were ecstatic when we read the report. 

“We have all worked so hard to reach these high standards. 

“We have carried out a lot of training over the last few months, and it is good to see that being recognised. We have put lots of new systems in place. 

“We have been working very well with our parents, with local companies, with local agencies, for example in staging our fun day over Easter. 

“We were all ready for when the Ofsted inspection took place. It probably took longer than usual because everyone wanted to show the inspectors what they could do, and to tell them how happy they are to work here. 

“I am so proud of all the staff here.” 

Children at Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery in Southport
Children at Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery in Southport

In her report, Ofsted Inspector Lynne Naylor said: “Children form secure relationships with staff and enjoy their time at the nursery. Staff help children to learn how to stay healthy, fit and safe.

“Children are happy, settled and demonstrate increasing confidence and self-care skills. 

“Staff purposefully plan a variety of activities which help to build children’s social skills and encourage new friendships. Children take turns to roll balls to each other and work together to complete jigsaws. 

“Children are keen to engage and are learning to behave well. They show care and concern for each other. For example, when a child accidentally tips over a bowl of spaghetti at the craft table, another child quickly helps to pick it up again. 

“The curriculum is carefully designed so that children’s knowledge and skills build over time. Children benefit from many well-planned opportunities to be physically active indoors and outdoors. 

“Staff focus on developing children’s speaking and listening skills as they play. For example, they identify words to introduce to children’s vocabulary when planning activities. 

“All children, including those with special educational needs and / or disabilities and those for whom the nursery receives funding, make good progress. 

“Children are prepared well emotionally and develop essential skills to move on to their next stage of learning and to make the transition to the pre-school.” 

Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery registered in 2014. It employs 21 members of childcare staff. Of these, four hold appropriate early years qualifications at level 2, 12 hold qualifications at level 3, one holds a qualification at level 4, and two hold qualifications at level 6. 

The nursery is open from Monday to Friday all year round. Sessions are from 7am to 6.30pm.

The nursery provides funded early education for two- and three-year-old children. 



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