Hackney taxi fares in Sefton are due to rise by between 9% and 24%, due to the cost of inflation and the loss of drivers to private hire firms.
As well as an increase in fares, the applicable time for charging tariff 2 on weekends (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) would expand from the current 11pm-6am to 7pm-6am.
A request has also been made to apply the waiting time charge to 25p per 60 seconds for all tariffs.
Hackney firms in the borough are supporting the proposed rises, which would come into effect from 1st December onwards.
The proposed price rises will be decided on at the Sefton Council Licensing Committee meeting on 1st November.
“The last tariff increase was introduced on 6th March 2017. Fuel prices, inflation / increased running costs and significant driver shortages have led to this request. The Bank of England reports that inflation averaged 2.5% per year since 2017,” said Sefton Council Head of Highways and Public Protection Peter Moore in his report to councillors.

“The Council currently licence 271 Hackney Carriage vehicles with 298 Hackney Carriage drivers compared to 324 drivers in October 2020.
“The trade representatives have indicated that the requested rise is intended to offset the increases in the general cost of living over the last 4.5 years and is an attempt to ensure driver’s net earnings do not fall below previous levels in real terms. Increases to local private hire fares may have also led to a migration of drivers.
“The additional waiting time charges apply to every 60 seconds. Tariff 1 is 20p, tariff 2 is 25p and tariff 3 is 30p. It has been proposed to bring all waiting time charges to 25p per 60 seconds. “The trade has also requested that tariff 2 be applied during weekends from the earlier time of 7pm instead of 11pm. This is to encourage drivers to better service these times surrounding the night time economy by increased usage of the current Hackney Carriage fleet at the weekends. “This will also help owner drivers service and maintain and renew the current fleet of vehicles.
“It is hoped the revised tariffs will maintain the current number of vehicles available as well as retaining and attracting new drivers and owners.
“If the recommendations are agreed and no objections are received then it is suggested that the implementation date is 1 December 2021.”
Local firms are supporting the proposed changes.
Mr Moore said: “Consultation has taken place throughout the trade regarding the proposed amendments and all the Hackney Carriage trade representatives have agreed to the changes. The last increase to the tariff was introduced in March 2017.”
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