Fundraising appeal set up to support independent Southport business after devastating fire

Andrew Brown
6 Min Read
A GoFundMe appeal has been set up to help Aimee Byrne, owner of Massage Therapy Rooms, by Aimée, in Birkdale in Southport following a fire. Aimee pictured outside the business before the blaze

A fundraising appeal has been set up to help a Southport business owner following a devastating fire at her premises. 

The blaze struck at the Massage Therapy Rooms, by Aimée on Liverpool Road in Birkdale in Southport in the early hours of Tuesday, 12th April. 

Owner Aimee Byrne said: “It’s devastating for us as we’ve spent everything we could have on it over the past seven years.” 

The business has found temporary space for customers elsewhere in Southport while Aimee’s husband Robert, the General Manager at RJ Byrne Construction, works on the rebuilding process. 

Kind-hearted supporters have raised hundreds of pounds through a GoFundMe appeal called ‘Donate to help Massage Therapy Rooms by Aimee’ with other people also invited to donate. 

The pictures of the damage – caused by fire, smoke and water from firefighters – are so distressing that Aimee can’t bear to look at them. 

A GoFundMe appeal has been set up to help Aimee Byrne, owner of Massage Therapy Rooms, by Aimée, in Birkdale in Southport following a fire
A GoFundMe appeal has been set up to help Aimee Byrne, owner of Massage Therapy Rooms, by Aimée, in Birkdale in Southport following a fire

She said: “We were called at 5.30am Tuesday 12th April by Dave Halsall of Halsall Removals next door to tell us the fire brigade was doing their best to tackle a blaze that started outside and worked its way into our shop.

“We are so thankful for that, or it could have been even worse, which doesn’t bear thinking about. 

“Luckily for us my husband, Robert, runs R J Byrne Construction and the team had installed considerable fire protection and insulation during the initial development which has saved the building.

“The shop, unfortunately, is destroyed due to the fire, smoke and water damage.

A GoFundMe appeal has been set up to help Aimee Byrne, owner of Massage Therapy Rooms, by Aimée, in Birkdale in Southport following a fire
A GoFundMe appeal has been set up to help Aimee Byrne, owner of Massage Therapy Rooms, by Aimée, in Birkdale in Southport following a fire

“It’s devastating for us as we’ve spent everything we could have on it over the past seven years and we’re doubtful yet hopeful the insurance company will cover everything.

“It has come to our attention that the insurance company doesn’t raise the building rebuild costs on policy in-line with actual building rebuild rates as building costs go up, which leaves us unknowingly undervalued so they will cover the loss minus the difference in rebuild costs (if building costs have gone up by 50% since the start of the policy then the insurance will cover 50% of the loss).

“All the items we’ve gathered, salvaged and up-cycled over the years to make the shop the welcoming space it has become have all been lost in a matter of hours. It is hard to take.” 

It is not known how or why the fire started. But the flames have caused huge damage, which will take huge effort and time to recover from. 

Aimee said: “The outcome of the fire is inconclusive. It seems we have just been at the brunt end of some very bad luck. 

“The fire started from outside and made its way into our premises causing heartbreaking damage and loss and a great fortune to repair.

“Any donation, to help us get back to our working home, would be greatly appreciated more than you’ll know. 

A GoFundMe appeal has been set up to help Aimee Byrne, owner of Massage Therapy Rooms, by Aimée, in Birkdale in Southport following a fire
A GoFundMe appeal has been set up to help Aimee Byrne, owner of Massage Therapy Rooms, by Aimée, in Birkdale in Southport following a fire

“We are disappointed for the Therapy Rooms staff that make the place what it is, for the clients that the place they love will need a complete overhaul to get it back to how it was, which will take time. 

“We’re thankful for all the supportive messages and calls that have come in and for The Hart Space on Hart Street in Southport and Pure – Nails & Beauty just along from us on Liverpool Road in Birkdale for giving us a temporary home until we can rebuild – which will give the hubby and the team at R J Byrne Construction plenty of overtime to do! 

“They have selflessly offered their time to help so a big thank you to the team and our friends for all the support, it means a lot.” 

If you would like to help the appeal, please visit:

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