The conversion of a former Southport hotel into providing supported housing for homeless people looks set to win approval next week.
Merseyside charity New Start has put forward plans for the former Club House Hotel at 15 Leicester Street after seeing a rise in people in the region losing their homes over the past few months during the Covid-198 pandemic.
They said: “Sefton has been aware for some time that there is insufficient temporary accommodation available particularly in the North of the borough.”
The proposals seek permission to convert the detached three story premises to provide 19 bedrooms and ensuites.
Councillors on Sefton Council’s Planning Committee are due to give their verdict on the plans at a Planning Committee meeting next Wednesday (18 November).
Chief Planning Officer Neil Mackie is recommending the scheme for Approval, saying in his report: “Notwithstanding the objections received from a number of properties and in the absence of objections from the Police and the Environmental Health Officers it is not considered that the proposal will have an unacceptable impact on the living conditions of neighbours. It is therefore recommended for approval with conditions.”
In their application, New Start said: “New Start currently operates an existing temporary accommodation service for homeless people at Leyland Road, Southport and has done so since July 2015.
“Our work at Leyland Road led the local authority to contact New Start in March this year for help to provide emergency temporary accommodation solutions for homeless people during the lockdown period associated with Covid-19. The Government had issued a directive to all Local Authorities to close night shelters, which operated on a shared space basis, and to accommodate all rough sleepers and those at risk of rough sleeping.
“At that point we had already secured 15 Leicester Street which was previously being used as hotel accommodation close to Southport town centre. Apart from some minor alterations this property was fit for purpose and we agreed to use the hotel for the duration of the Covid-19 lockdown period, on the basis that it was commissioned by the local authority for its homeless clients, and the provision became operational on the 30th of March.
“As an authority, Sefton has been aware for some time that there is insufficient temporary accommodation available particularly in the North of the borough, where we had seen increasing demand pressures on our scheme at Leyland Road.
“The Covid lockdown has resulted in a significant increase in homelessness, further highlighting the need for more temporary accommodation for homeless people.
“Further to extensive discussions with the local authority at a strategic level, we believe our organisation can provide an ongoing service at 15 Leicester Street, which can meet the requirements of the local authority in terms of their identified shortfall in temporary accommodation for Sefton residents, who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
“We believe our extensive experience delivering a range of accommodation based housing solutions for the homeless and other vulnerable client groups can provide reassurance to the local authority, local community and potential service users, that the project we propose to deliver will be both effective and well managed.”
The service will be staffed by a minimum of three members of staff of core staff and a Manager Monday to Friday during the day (8am to 6pm) with a minimum of two staff at all other times.
Two letters of support have been received from Sefton Council’s Housing & Investment Services team as well as a letter of support from the Council’s Housing Options team. In addition, the applicant has provided letters of support from current residents of the premises, a former resident of New Start’s premises on Leyland Road, Veteransin Sefton, HM Prison & Probation Service, Liverpool City Council’s Commissioning and Contracts Manager, CHART (a specialist mental health and housing team in Sefton), Groundwork CLM (Cheshire, Lancashire, Merseyside), YMCA Liverpool & Sefton, The Bold Hotel and a local catering company.
A petition endorsed by Councillor Keith objecting to the proposal with 48 signatories will be heard at the Planning Committee meeting.
Objections have also been received from 23 properties on Leicester Street, Saunders Street, Gordon Street, Sandringham Road, Avondale Road, King Street and the administrator of an estate including a property on Leicester Street.
Objectors say the area is not suitable for the hostel, and say they have seen a number of issues since the premises opened.
Chief Planning Office Neil Mackie added: “The representations made by objectors to the proposal are noted and regard has been had to them as part of this assessment. However, in balancing all the information presented as part of this application from all parties (i.e. applicant, neighbours, consultees and third parties) it is considered that the use of the premises as a hostel does not and would not have unacceptable impacts on living conditions. The proposal is therefore recommended for approval.”
New Start was established in 1997 as a not for profit organisation and was set up specifically to provide quality housing and support for vulnerable adults, families and young people. They employ more than 150 staff and provide supported housing and residential care for over 450 service users.
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