Lucy Lockets Day Nursery in Southport has been rated ‘Good’ in all areas by Ofsted.
Inspectors said that staff at the nursery, on 57 Southbank Road, are “well cared for and have the attention and support they need to succeed”.
They made Good ratings for: Overall effectiveness; Quality of education; Behaviour and attitudes; Personal development; and Leadership and management.
The Overall effectiveness at the previous inspection was also rated as Good.
Ofsted inspectors said: “Children enthusiastically enter the nursery. They separate from parents easily as they are greeted by the caring staff team.
“Staff understand their role as key persons. They support children to build strong attachments.
“Children are happy, feel safe and have a strong sense of belonging here. They are well cared for and have the attention and support they need to succeed.
“The manager and staff implement a flexible settling-in period for children when they first start and when they move to new rooms. Staff also support children’s transition from nursery to the next stage of their education well. This helps to increase children’s confidence and prepares them well for their move to school.
“Staff implement a curriculum that is flexible and allows children to make progress at their own individual pace. They use positive language and interact kindly with children. Staff support children to learn about sharing in ways that are appropriate for their age.
“Children are developing a good understanding of what is expected of them.
“Staff also help children to learn about a healthy lifestyle.”
Lucy Lockets Day Nursery registered in 2016 and is situated in Southport.
The nursery employs 18 members of childcare staff. Of these, one holds early years professional status, and 16 have appropriate early years qualifications at level 3 or above.
The nursery opens Monday to Friday, all year round, from 8am to 6pm, with the exception of a week at Christmas and on bank holidays. The nursery provides funded early education for two-, three- and four-year-old children.
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