Guest Blog by Jayne Sims
I usually don’t put my head above the parapet, and this post may not get approval. but here goes.
I feel sad. Sad that there always seems to be someone prepared to knock our town down when we are trying to concentrate on the positives, of which there are many.
It must make the volunteers who work hard trying to make a difference absolutely deflated.
So please can we just stop and think. Can we each try to do something constructive.
Even if it’s just keeping where we live clean and tidy. Sweep up on the pavements and roads outside our houses / flats. Pull up weeds. Pick up litter in the street. Report broken street lighting. Volunteer some time helping others. Frequent our shops.
All instead of picking at problems we ALL know are there. And are national, not just affecting our own town.
Let’s applaud those who quietly band together to make a difference. We’d be much worse off without them!
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