Wearing face coverings in shops made compulsory as firm backs move to keep people safe

Andrew Brown
5 Min Read
May-Lean & Co Limited is producing virus protected face masks

A Merseyside firm which makes virus protected face masks has welcomed the Government’s decision to make the wearing of face coverings in shops compulsory. 

The new rules come into force from July 24 and will see people face £100 fines if they walk into a retail premises without wearing one, or £50 if paid within 14 days.

The rules to tackle coronavirus will be the same as those currently applicable on public transport in England, which means children under 11 and people with certain disabilities will be exempt.

Questions are now being raised over whether the ruling will soon be extended to covering people working in offices, restaurants and other public buildings. 

The move is designed to save lives and has been praised by Lindsay Tully, director of family-run business May-Lean & Co Limited, which began producing virus-resistant face masks a few weeks ago in response to the pandemic. They set up their venture Virus Protected Masks on Instagram

She said: “Today’s announcement from the Prime Minister is really good news.

“I think it will give people more confidence and help businesses get back and have some sort of normality. 

“We are getting a good response from our face masks with lots of orders coming in. 

“We are having to adjust our business like everyone else.”

May-Lean & Co Limited is producing thousands of top quality, virus-resistant face masks to keep people safe against Coronavirus
May-Lean & Co Limited is producing thousands of top quality, virus-resistant face masks to keep people safe against Coronavirus


May-Lean & Co Limited is an established soft furnishing specialist which employs dozens of local people at its factory on Linacre Road in Litherland, supplying a number of high end companies across the UK. They have operated in Litherland for over 45 years, with Lindsay working there for the past 24 years.

Since the Coronavirus outbreak in March they have turned some of their attention to making top quality face masks to play their part in their war against Covid-19.

The firm is now producing face coverings which are washable and reusable and were recently awarded their CE marking for their product. 

The fabric used in the masks contains a nano technology with an anti-microbial coating which reacts with any microbes (viruses, fungi and bacteria) and destroys them on impact. They have been tested by an accredited microbiological laboratory.

The masks are much more effective at keeping people safe. They are more environmentally friendly than disposable masks and are made by a British company.

Lindsay said: “We are doing this to help to get Britain back to work.

“We felt it was important for a local company to start making face masks, so that they are made here in the UK and not imported from China or somewhere else overseas, which is much better for the environment.

May-Lean & Co Limited is producing thousands of top quality, virus-resistant face masks to keep people safe against Coronavirus
May-Lean & Co Limited is producing thousands of top quality, virus-resistant face masks to keep people safe against Coronavirus

“We are a North West firm wanting to help other businesses, schools and organisations to get back to work.

“The masks are high-spec, and are washable. They are really good quality and have got good coverage for people’s faces. They are quite lightweight and comfortable to wear.

“We are producing a number of designs including: plain cream, charcoal, Union Jack, ditzy design or NHS rainbow colours. We can create other designs too.

“Our factory initially closed in March but we took on some voluntary work, helping to make scrubs for Aintree University Hospital, Southport Hospital and others, to help them cope during the coronavirus crisis.

“As a local company in the UK we want to do what we can to help our NHS and others locally.”

For more details please email: sales@may-lean.co.uk or call Lindsay Tully on: 07889022584 or find them on Instagram at: virusprotectedmasks

DO you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: mediaandrewbrown@gmail.com

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