Warning over venomous weever fish and jellyfish on Sefton beaches

Andrew Brown
2 Min Read
A weeverfish. Photo by Green Sefton

Beach-goers in Southport and Formby are being warned to be aware of venomous weever fish hiding at the water’s edge, after the RNLI reported a number of stings in the past few days. 

People are also being warned to look out for jellyfish along our coastline. 

A spokesman for Green Sefton said: “In the current hot spell it is of course very tempting to go paddling at one of the glorious beaches on the Sefton coast.

“But before you do, just bear in mind some of the residents are not overly friendly – at this time of year there are large blooms of jellyfish offshore, and they can often wash ashore.

“These are fascinating creatures and a number of species appear along our coastline – but if you do see one, please do not touch.

A jellyfish. Photo by Green Sefton
A jellyfish. Photo by Green Sefton

“Even when washed up and dead, some species can still give you a nasty sting.

Green Sefton always recommends wearing sandals or wellies in the shallows too – Weeverfish lurk at the water’s edge, buried in the sand but with defensive spines that can pack an extremely painful punch if you stand on one.

“The RNLI  have reported a number of Weeverfish stings on the coast in the last week so please be aware and don’t let an incredible beast just minding its own business spoil your day!”

Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: mediaandrewbrown@gmail.com

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