Parking charges in Southport and across Sefton have been temporarily axed while the Coronavirus outbreak is happening.
The suspensions apply to all car parks and on-street parking spaces operated by Sefton Council.
Certain car parks have been made available for use by key workers.
During this time Sefton will not be enforcing charges at Sefton MBC car parks or at On Street Pay & Display parking locations. In line with national guidance this also ensures temporarily free parking for NHS workers and social workers across the borough. Sefton has also designated a number of car parks for the use of social workers and they will be able to park without risk of enforcement.
The authority however is not responsible nor has any control over the operation of privately owned car parks.
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Civil Enforcement Officers working for the authority will continue to carry out enforcement of dangerous and obstructive parking to ensure that our highways remain safe and emergency services and NHS workers are able to quickly and safely move through the borough.
The Local Authority is following other councils across the country and adhering to Local Government Association Guidance, which recommends the enforcement activity focuses on incidents of obstructive or dangerous parking.
This includes yellow lines at junctions, loading restrictions and obstruction of dropped kerbs.
A spokesman for Sefton Council said: “Civil Enforcement Officers will be following all guidance on social distancing and will be using vehicles rather than foot patrols to travel around the borough.
“These officers are providing a vital and much needed service to ensure our borough’s incredible emergency services and NHS staff are able to freely move throughout Sefton without obstruction.
“We know the vast majority of our residents will appreciate that this is an important service and that our operatives are simply doing their job.
“However we will not tolerate any abuse, either verbal, written or physical, towards officers who are simply carrying out their day to day duties. Moreover, we would not expect significant numbers using these car parks as the vast majority of our residents should be staying at home, in alignment with the national guidance”
More information about community services with have been affected by the COVID-19 situation can be found via