Southport Nostalgia: 1980s images of SDC panto, Marine Lake and peace protest

Andrew Brown
4 Min Read
The old Southport Pier is a great backdrop for this smiling crowd of people enjoying the St Luke's Walk on 9 July 1983

Today we bring you a collection of various photos of Southport in the 1980s. 

Can you believe these were taken 40 years ago? It seems like yesterday! 

They give a glimpse into Southport life in the ‘80s, with some remarkable pictures of life back then. Do you recognise anyone in these pictures, do these images bring back memories for you? Please let us know! 

The Marine Lake has always been a popular place for local residents and visitors alike.
One of the most scenic places in Southport, it’s also a great recreational space for people on boats, or water skiing, or paddle boarding, or enjoying trips on speedboats, or just sitting back and watching life go by. 

These pictures show a group of men working hard to lower a boat into the water, in April 1981. Was this your boat? The picture has the word ‘Albatross’ on the back, was this the name of the vessel? 

Another image at the Marine Lake shows a man clearing weeds from the water on 24 July 1983. 

The former Promenade Hospital is in the background, along with a collection of boats. 

Peace activists were out in force in Southport in July 1983! The Cold War left people anxious about the nuclear weapons arms race between East and West. Holding banners here near Southport Masonic Hall on Duke Street were: Southport And District Peace Council; Merseyside Action For Peace; Women For Peace Southport; Southport Trades Council; and Quakers Say No To All War. Were you campaigning for peace in the 1980s, did you take part in one of the peace marches along Lord Street?

The Salvation Army brass band were performing at a special service in the Floral Hall Gardens in Southport in April 1981. Do you remember the Floral Hall Gardens? The land has since been replaced by Bliss Hotel and Genting Casino. 

A group of men in bowler hats enjoy a ride on an old Penny Farthing bicycle in Southport  on 15 August, 1982.

The old Southport Pier is a great backdrop for this smiling crowd of people enjoying the St Luke’s Walk on 9 July 1983. 

Hundreds of people were members of various Boys Brigades in Southport in the 1980s. 

This picture shows a Boys Brigade march through Ainsdale, as part of the Ainsdale Show, in July 1983. 

Do you remember the old Bambi shop in Ainsdale? Were you in the Boys Brigade? 

Our next image shows two bodybuilders displaying their trophies in Southport on 22 April 1981. Do you recognise the men pictured? 

The final image this week – timely for this time of year! – is the Southport Dramatic Club (SDC) pantomime in 1983, which was Robinson Crusoe. 

In the picture were Ray Mann as Dame Molly and Philip Greenwood as Billy. 

Let’s hope the famous SDC panto returns for 2021, we’ve missed them this year. 

Do you have any photos or memories you would like to share with Stand Up For Southport? Please email me at: or message me via Facebook

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