Sefton demands criminals must face justice after tragic murder of 9 year old girl

Andrew Brown
3 Min Read
The family and supporters of 9-year-old Olivia Pratt-Korbel, who was murdered in Liverpool, were in Southport town centre on 12th August 2023 asking people to back them: sign their petition. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport

Criminals must be made to face the families of victims whose lives they have destroyed. 

That’s the unanimous view of Sefton councillors, following the recent murder of 9-year-old Olivia Pratt-Korbel in Liverpool. 

Olivia’s killer, 34-year-old Thomas Cashman, refused to go stand in the dock last year for Olivia’s family to see him being sentenced to life imprisonment for taking her life. 

Sefton Councillors have now given their unanimous back to the ‘Face the Family’ campaign, coordinated by Radio City, which is calling for the law to be changed to make serious criminals face justice. 

In August, members of Olivia’s family were in Southport asking people to back them and sign their petition for change:

Southport councillor Jen Corcoran led a motion, supported by Crosby councillor Peter Harvey, asking for an urgent reform of the criminal justice system to support families like Olivia’s. 

They have now asked the Leader and Chief Executive of Sefton Council to write to the Justice Minister Alex Chalk setting out their plea, stating their support for the Face The Family campaign and urging him to bring forward legislation as soon as possible.  

In her motion, Southport councillor Jen Corcoran said: “Sefton Council notes that currently offenders can choose not to appear in court for sentencing, including hearing victim impact statements. 

“This can add to families and victims’ suffering, as they are deprived the opportunity of presenting victim impact statements with offenders present. 

“This was highlighted recently when Thomas Cashman refused to appear in court after being found guilty of the murder of nine-year-old Olivia Pratt-Korbel.

“Sefton Council further notes the ‘Face the Family’ campaign, coordinated by Radio City, which is calling for a change to the law to insist offenders come into court for sentencing, or face possible additional penalty. 

“Local MPs, our PCC, and others are asking for the government to introduce a new law to make offenders be present in court. This could be done by including it in the Victim and Witnesses Bill currently going through Parliament. This includes a current online petition.

“Sefton Council supports the call for this change in the law to make our criminal justice system more supportive of victims and states its support of the ‘Face the Family’ campaign.” 

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