Over a thousand walkers due for Southport Star Trekk night walk for Queenscourt Hospice

Andrew Brown
5 Min Read
People take part in the 2023 Star Trekk walk in Southport for Queenscourt Hospice. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport

A record number of walkers are due to take part in the annual Southport Star Trekk night walk in aid of Queenscourt Hospice this Friday (3rd May 2024). 

Over 1,000 walkers will turn Southport sky blue when they take part in the 10k walk. 

While online registration has now closed, you can still take part by turning up and registering at Southport Pleasureland this Friday, where the walk starts and ends.

This year’s Star Trekk is sponsored by the EFT Group Ltd based in Southport, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary. 

Queenscourt Hospice Fundraising Manager Liz Hartley said: “We look as though we will get a record number of people taking part in the Star Trekk for Queenscourt Hospice this year! 

“We have over 1,000 people signed up already, and more people are able to register on the day. You can sign up at Southport Pleasureland between 1pm and 3pm this Friday, or before the walk starts. 

“We are making lots of effort to try and make this the best Star Trekk night walk ever! 

People take part in the 2023 Star Trekk walk in Southport for Queenscourt Hospice. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport
People take part in the 2023 Star Trekk walk in Southport for Queenscourt Hospice. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport

“Star Trekk was a record-breaking event last year for Queenscourt, where we raised over £100,000 for our hospice

“Can you help us exceed that record this year?

“Although fundraising is at your discretion, we do kindly ask for you to try and raise a minimum of £30 sponsorship to help ‘Keep Queenscourt in Service’.

“If you have a JustGiving page, please share it with as many friends and family as you can to help Queenscourt to continue delivering compassionate palliative care to the community of Southport, Formby and West Lancashire.

“The walk starts at Southport Pleasureland where the opening party takes place! 

People take part in the 2023 Star Trekk walk in Southport for Queenscourt Hospice. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport
People take part in the 2023 Star Trekk walk in Southport for Queenscourt Hospice. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport

“We have entertainment, glitter stands, Dune Radio, Hayley Jones and many more to get you all fired up for the Trekk. 

“We are so grateful to Southport Pleasureland owner Norman Wallis and the team at Southport Pleasureland for hosting this event and making it so special for Queenscourt.” 

Taking part in Star Trekk costs £25 and £12.50 for children aged 16 and under. People are invited to raise further funds through sponsorship. 

All Trekkers will receive a Star Trekk t-shirt and medal.

People take part in the 2023 Star Trekk walk in Southport for Queenscourt Hospice. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport
People take part in the 2023 Star Trekk walk in Southport for Queenscourt Hospice. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport

Since Star Trekk began 18 years ago thousands of trekkers have raised over £1 million for Queenscourt Hospice.  

The evening starts at Southport Pleasureland, on Marine Drive in Southport, with a fun party atmosphere where you can enjoy the pre Trekk entertainment, with the walk starting at 7.30pm.

The walk is a healthy, energising and fun event open to everyone. You can take part on your own, with family and friends, with your exercise class, with your work colleagues, with your school, the choice is yours. 

People take part in the 2023 Star Trekk walk in Southport for Queenscourt Hospice. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport
People take part in the 2023 Star Trekk walk in Southport for Queenscourt Hospice. Photo by Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport

Many trekkers walk in memory of a loved one or because Queenscourt has supported them personally, while others take part for a fun night out and to raise money for their local hospice.

Whether you are a brand new Trekker or you have been trekking before, Queenscourt looks forward to welcoming you for what promises to be a fun-filled evening.

Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Do you need advertising, PR or media support? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: mediaandrewbrown@gmail.com

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