Staff and children at Norwood Primary School in Southport have been fundraising with sponsorships over the last few weeks to support Cancer Research, taking part in Race for Life.
The children had to run 5K around the school and field.
Jess Gilmartin from Norwood Primary School said: “The weather unfortunately was not in their favour on the first day as they had some of the heaviest rain we’ve had for a while.

“But this did not stop the children smiling or dampen their motivation to achieve the full distance and be awarded that medal.
“A huge well done to all who took part and for those who helped organise the event, namely Year 3 and Miss Sinclair.

“The pictures show how much effort was made to make the event a success and how much the children rose to the occasion.
“Norwood Primary School managed to raise over £7,000 – an incredible amount!

“Thank you to all those who donated to such a worthy cause, including all parents and carers, New Look Southport staff and shoppers and all school staff.”
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