A new networking group for Digital, Creative and Tech businesses in Sefton takes place later this month.
‘Sefton Huddle’ will take place at Marine Football Club, on College Road, Crosby L23 3AS between 11am and 1.15pm on Thursday 29th June 2023.
The new networking group is being organised by InvestSefton, Sefton Council’s business support and inward investment service.
The first event, which took place at Southport and Birkdale Sports Club (S&B) in February, was a huge success with a substantial attendance.
As well as the chance to enjoy networking, guests will also be able to enjoy a talk by Innovate UK EDGE on AI, Chat GPT and raising funding in the creative sector.
InvestSefton said: “The next InvestSefton Huddle networking meeting for local digital, creative and tech business is on Thursday, 29th June 2023 at Marine FC – we hope you will join us!
“The inaugural meeting on 23rd February at Southport and Birkdale Sports Club saw lots of B2B networking, and talks about a new Enterprise Arcade planned for Southport which will include flexible work space for the DCT sector.
“On 29th June we will kick off with an hour’s networking followed by an update on business support open to Sefton businesses.
“There will also be talks by Innovate UK EDGE on AI, Chat GPT and raising funding in the creative sector, followed by more networking.
“We will be sending out the delegate list in advance, so you know who’s attending.
“We are keen to maximise collaborative working opportunities in the DCT sector, so feel free to pass this invitation on to other DCT businesses based in Sefton that you work with.”
To book your place(s) please call Dom or Sharon on 0151 934 3452 or email investsefton@sefton.gov.uk

It is free to attend.
Future locations for the event will be released soon, with the next dates:
2nd November 2023
1st February 2024
The format for the day will be:
11am – Rock Up and Network
12pm – Welcome, business support update, Innovate UK EDGE, Q&A
12.45pm-1.15pm – Last chance to network
Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: mediaandrewbrown@gmail.com