Plans to convert an historic church building in Southport into a recording studio, food delivery service and events space have been backed by Sefton Council.
The recording facility at Crossens Methodist Church, on Rufford Road in Crossens in Southport, would be used by “bands from across the country and also by international artists” with accommodation provided after planning permission was granted by Sefton Council.
The events space can now be utilised for local community events such as the annual Christmas Carol singing, hosting the Christmas tree and annual gatherings.
The local Scouts group has been in discussion with the owners about using the recording studio space.
The church, originally a Free United chapel, was built in 1879-80.
In his report, Sefton Council Chief Planning Officer Derek McKenzie said: “The development is small in scale and subject to appropriate conditions, it would not have an unacceptable impact on the living conditions of occupiers of neighbouring properties and would not be harmful to the character of the residential area.”
He added: “The food delivery service would be incorporated into the ground floor of the existing building. There will be no on-site pick up and delivery hours can be controlled by condition to ensure no significant harm to neighbouring properties.
“The proposal includes the use of the outdoor space to the front of the existing building for community events. The applicant has referenced that the space would be used for matters such as Christmas carol singing as well as social events and annual gatherings.
“This space would not require the installation of any permanent features or infrastructure, and it is intended that events would be served by a small food / drinks cart.
“The space to the frontage is relatively small in scale and its size in itself is a limiting factor in the degree of harm that may be caused to nearby residents by way of noise disturbance. Notwithstanding this, the space is in close proximity to residential properties and in order to mitigate the degree of harm, it would be reasonable to limit the hours the space can be used. This would be secured by condition.
“There is no substantive evidence before the council to suggest that the development would be significantly harmful to the levels of residential amenity currently enjoyed by occupiers of properties within the vicinity. Subject to the above conditions, the Council’s Environmental Health Manager has raised no objection to the development.
“The building is considered to be a Non-Designated Heritage Asset. The proposed development does not propose any significant external changes and the Council’s Conservation Officer has no objection to the development.”
The planning application was submitted to Sefton Council by Thomas Bellhouse of 1880 Ltd, based in Burscough. The plans were drawn up by PWA Planning.
In their submission they said: “The proposed development comprises use of the existing building for a food delivery service, local event space and accommodation for the recording studio, in addition to the current use of the building for mixed commercial – office and recording studio.
It is proposed to incorporate a food delivery service use within the ground floor of the existing building. This will necessitate a new kitchen.
“The takeaway area will consist of a stove, oven, store and preparation area.
“The takeaway will offer a delivery only service, which will be delivered by bike, therefore there will be no impact in terms of parking.

“It is proposed that the takeaway will operate between 3pm and 10pm on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
“The area noted as a café area on the floor plan is a space to be used to serve the consented offices, so the occupants have a place to purchase and consume food throughout the working day (10am – 4pm).
“It is proposed to utilise the outdoor space to the front of the existing building for community events. When events are held the applicant is seeking permission for the hours of operation to be Wednesday to Saturday between 4pm to 10pm during the summer (April to October) and Friday and Saturday between 4pm and 10pm in the winter (November to March).
“When purchasing the building the applicant’s made a verbal commitment to, where possible, allow for the premises to be used for community events, hence the need for the application.
“Events will include the annual Christmas Carol singing, as per the existing arrangement with the local community. This includes hosting the Christmas tree as well as social events throughout the year and annual gatherings.
“Furthermore, new events will be established as the facility is completed, for example the local Scouts group have been in discussion with the applicant with regard to using the recording studio space, which the applicants welcome.
“The event space use will not require the installation of any fixed infrastructure, when the events are being held a seating area made up of three benches will be formed. Further to this a small outdoor food cart will also be required.
“It is also proposed to incorporate a ‘drinks truck’ in the outdoor area. It is proposed that ‘truck’ will be open Wednesday to Saturday between 4pm and 10pm during the summer and Friday and Saturday between 4pm and 10pm in the winter. Drinks served would be in association with an event and not sold for consumption off premises.
“The proposal further includes the provision of bunk bed accommodation for up to six people. The accommodation will be used solely by recording artists who are utilising the studio, to allow overnight accommodation within the premises, to utilise for no more than three weeks at a time.
“The recording facility will be utilised by bands from across the country and also by international artists hence it is preferable if in addition to the recording facility, accommodation could also be provided. The applicants are content with the inclusion of a condition limiting occupancy to that in association with a recording studio.
“The accommodation will consist of two-tier bunks in the existing room to the rear of the building. It is also proposed to convert the existing toilet block into sleeping quarters, with an ensuite and kitchenette area. Whilst it is considered this element does not require planning permission, it is important to demonstrate that facilities will be available for people utilising the accommodation.”
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