Headteacher dramatically ARRESTED in front of shocked assembly – and only you can free him

Andrew Brown
8 Min Read
Chris Upton OBE, the headteacher at Tarleton County Primary School in Lancashire, has been ‘arrested’ as he takes part in the Jail and Bail fundraiser for Queenscourt Hospice

By Jail and Bail Crime Correspondent Andrew Brown 

A leading primary school teacher was dramatically ARRESTED in front of his school assembly today – and only your help can set free ‘The Tarleton One’! 

Mr Chris Upton OBE, the headteacher at Tarleton County Primary School in Lancashire, was taken away by Queenie the Bee and Queenscourt Fundraising manager Liz Hartley ahead of taking part in the first ever Jail and Bail fundraiser for Queenscourt Hospice this Friday (15th September 2023). 

Mr Upton is among 12 notable figures from around the West Lancashire, Southport and Formby area, which Queenscourt serves, who will each be ‘arrested’, ‘charged’ with a series of heinous crimes and then stand trial at the former Southport Magistrates’ Court (now the Access Point offices). 

To escape jail, each of the ‘inmates’ must raise at least £999 in bail money – with every single penny raised going to support the vital work of Queenscourt in our community. 

A Tarleton County Primary School spokesperson said: “There have been some arresting developments at Tarleton County Primary School this afternoon…

“Mr Upton has been caught red handed wearing a stolen wig in assembly and has been arrested by Queenie the Queenscourt Bee!

“The children were far from supportive of their headteacher cheering as he was led away for a day in jail! 

“Will he get enough bail money to leave??

“If you want to free the Tarleton One, all in aid of such a good cause, please click the link, thank you: www.justgiving.com/page/chris-upton-1692905636323” 

Chris Upton OBE, the headteacher at Tarleton County Primary School in Lancashire, has been ‘arrested’ as he takes part in the Jail and Bail fundraiser for Queenscourt Hospice

Mr Upton revealed his reasons for taking part in Jail and Bail. 

He said: “As the headteacher of Tarleton Community Primary School, I have seen the impact of the work of Queenscourt on different members of our school and community who have had relatives needing support at such a difficult time.  

“This is done with warmth, love and dignity by the incredible team at the hospice.  The support to the wider family, which at times includes children, is simply outstanding.  

“The communities of Southport, Formby and West Lancashire are very lucky to have Queenscourt and I feel honoured to have been asked to participate in the Jail & Bail event.”

Mr Chris Upton OBE is a committed headteacher and father to four children. 

Chris Upton OBE, the headteacher at Tarleton County Primary School in Lancashire, has been ‘arrested’ as he takes part in the Jail and Bail fundraiser for Queenscourt Hospice

He is originally from the island of Jersey, having moved to England to undertake teacher training at Edge Hill University in Ormskirk and has been in education for over 20 years, spending the early part of his career in Skelmersdale before moving to Tarleton.  

He was delighted to be named in the King’s New years Honours list for services to education and is looking forward to collecting an OBE later in the month with his wife and parents at Windsor Castle.

Outside of work, he runs a small charity called the Sparkle Bean Trust which supports primary schools following the sudden death of a pupil and I am the author of a book called Searching for the Sparkle: A School’s Journey of Recovery.  

He said: “I am also a Freemason so you could say that I am very charity minded.  I really enjoy spending time with close friends and my family and I am currently enjoying having my daughter in my nursery as I get to hear all the funny stories from her perspective on the way home!” 

Chris Upton OBE, the headteacher at Tarleton County Primary School in Lancashire, has been ‘arrested’ as he takes part in the Jail and Bail fundraiser for Queenscourt Hospice

Why should people support his appeal for £999 in bail money? 

Mr Upton said: “I would love for people to get behind me and support this worthy cause. 

“I chose the crime of ‘wig stealing’ due to my baldness, something I have a good joke about with the children at my school – they all think that it is hilarious I am going to jail for this.  

“We will have a lot of fun on the day so if readers can spare a couple of quid and support me, I’d really appreciate it.”

Which ‘crimes’ does he feel his family and friends would say he deserves to be ‘put on trial’ for? 

Chris Upton OBE, the headteacher at Tarleton County Primary School in Lancashire, has been ‘arrested’ as he takes part in the Jail and Bail fundraiser for Queenscourt Hospice

He said: “My wife would certainly say laughing at my own jokes! 

“The children at Tarleton Community are also getting behind me as we are holding a wear what you like day on Friday and they will also be wearing wigs in solidarity to release the Tarleton One!” 

Queenscourt Hospice is staging this brand new Jail and Bail fundraiser in collaboration with Stand Up For Southport.

Chris Upton OBE, the headteacher at Tarleton County Primary School in Lancashire, has been ‘arrested’ as he takes part in the Jail and Bail fundraiser for Queenscourt Hospice

It takes place 10am-3pm on Friday, 15th September 2023 at Access Point, based inside the former Southport Magistrates’ Court building, on Albert Road in Southport.

Queenscourt Hospice provides access to specialist palliative care either at home (including care homes), hospital or in Queenscourt via the Inpatient Unit or as an Outpatient.


  • For more details or to register your interest please email Queenscourt Hospice Fundraising Manager Liz Hartley at: fundraising@queenscourt.org.uk or email: Stand Up For Southport owner Andrew Brown at: mediaandrewbrown@gmail.com
Chris Upton OBE, the headteacher at Tarleton County Primary School in Lancashire, has been ‘arrested’ as he takes part in the Jail and Bail fundraiser for Queenscourt Hospice
Chris Upton OBE, the headteacher at Tarleton County Primary School in Lancashire, has been ‘arrested’ as he takes part in the Jail and Bail fundraiser for Queenscourt Hospice


Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Do you need advertising, PR or media support? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: mediaandrewbrownn@gmail.com

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