Green wheelie bin collections for garden waste will resume from next week in Sefton, after a four-break.
The first collections will take place on Monday, 7th March 2022 for some homes in Southport and across Sefton, with people urged to check the calendar for their collection day:
The free service, which is operated by Sefton Council, is traditionally suspended over the winter months.
The last collections took place in November last year.
Several Stand Up For Southport members have been asking when the popular service will resume.
Collections will take place every three weeks.
The following items can be placed in a green wheelie bin for collection:
- Grass clippings
- Tree and shrub clippings
- Weeds
- Dead flowers
- Leaves
If you wish to order an additional green bin for your garden waste, please phone Sefton Council on 0345 140 0845. A delivery and administration charge of £35 will apply.
Sefton Council will only collect natural waste such as grass, leaves, weeds. They cannot collect bags or bins that contain plant pots, litter etc as this would contaminate the recycling process.
If you are using bags please ensure that bags are tied and are not too heavy.
The garden waste collected is taken to a site locally for recycling.
Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: