Firms impacted by Covid-19 outbreak urged to apply for Business Grants

Andrew Brown
4 Min Read
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Sefton Council is urging businesses in the borough to ensure they are applying for the Business Grants that are currently available for small businesses and those in the retail, leisure and hospitality sector.

These are available from Sefton Council to provide financial assistance to businesses, impacted by the disruption and difficulties caused by Covid-19.  The grants are simple to apply for and businesses will not have to repay them.

Two grants are available for businesses that were rate payers in Sefton before 11 March 2020:

  • Small Business Grants are for businesses who are based in a premises with a rateable value up to £15,000 and are in receipt of Small Business Rate Relief. The grant these businesses are entitled to is £10,000.
  • Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Grants operate at two levels. Businesses based in a premises with a rateable value of up to, and including, £15,000 and are eligible for the Expanded Retail Discount are entitled to a grant of £10,000.  Businesses based in a premises with a rateable value of over £15,000 but less than £51,000 and are eligible for the Expanded Retail Discount are entitled to a grant of £25,000.

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Cllr Ian Maher, Sefton Council’s Labour Leader, says, “We urge all business that fall into these categories to follow the simple processes that are in place so that they can receive these grants as quickly as possible.  To date we are pleased to say that £28million has been distributed to businesses across Sefton, but we know there are more that have not yet applied and we would encourage them to do so without delay.  These grants are designed to give small businesses some much needed financial support at this very challenging time and we want to ensure that all businesses that are eligible receive them.”

 Cllr Marion Atkinson, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Skills, says, “The system that has been put in place to give small businesses in Sefton this financial support has been made as straightforward as possible so that the Council can distribute grants to businesses as a key priority and within a short space of time.  The application process itself doesn’t take long, so if any business is not sure whether they are eligible or not, we’d urge them to check.”

 How to apply

To apply for one of these grants from Sefton Council you will need your Business Rates Account Number and Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN), which can be found on the bills sent out in March 2020.  If you do not have your bill you need to email and ask for your bill to be re-issued.

Along with your UPRN you will simply need to enter your business bank account, VAT Registration Number (if VAT registered) and Companies Number (if a Limited Company) onto the online portal, which can be accessed via

If you have been in occupation of your current premises since before 11 March 2020, but did not let Sefton Business Rates know this you will not be on the rates system and will be required to provide evidence that you are the occupier.

Ongoing business support and advice for all businesses across Sefton is available via InvestSefton, which leads on the Council’s business support.  It has dedicated information available on all of the latest Covid-19 updates and support available to businesses in Sefton.  To access this information visit:

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