Fencing and gates planned for Kew Park and Ride site in Southport to protect against vandalism

Andrew Brown
5 Min Read
The former Kew Park and Ride site on Foul Lane in Kew in Southport

New 2.4 metre high fencing and gates will be built around the former Kew Park and Ride site in Kew in Southport to protect it against “substantial vandalism and anti-social behaviour”. 

The site has recently been sold by Sefton Council to Homes England, which plans to build 678 new homes there and on the land next to it.

The fencing and gates would be in place for up to four years while demolition of the park and ride site followed by the construction of hundreds of new homes takes place. 

The fence line will be erected along the boundary between Foul Lane and the part of the former Kew Park and Ride site, which is situated to the east of Foul Lane. This part of the Park and Ride site contains the former ticket office and redundant car park area.

In its planning application to Sefton Council on behalf of Homes England, Tetra Tech Planning said: “The application seeks permission for the construction of a timber hoard perimeter fence and palisade access gate. Taking the fence element first, this is proposed to be a maximum 2.4 metres in height and will be 242 metres in length.

Vandalism at the Kew Park and Ride site in Kew in Southport
Vandalism at the Kew Park and Ride site in Kew in Southport

“The fence is only proposed to be in situ for a temporary period of up to four years to ensure that the site is secure whilst within Homes England’s ownership during the works to demolish the existing redundant building on the site and potentially for the duration of construction works associated with the proposed residential development.

“The fence will serve a dual purpose of providing site security during demolition and construction works as well as providing a solid screen to reduce noise and dust from the site during these works. 

“The site, that is proposed to be secured during these temporary works, forms part of a wider area which allocates the site for housing development for up to 678 units. 

“The land immediately to the east of the proposed fence line contains a redundant park and ride car park, ticket office building and overgrown vegetation. 

“This car park area and ticket office building has been subject to substantial vandalism and anti-social behaviour. This includes damage to the building and infrastructure and fly tipping.” 

Vandalism at the Kew Park and Ride site in Kew in Southport
Vandalism at the Kew Park and Ride site in Kew in Southport

The former Kew Park and Ride site in Southport is due to be sold for new housing. 

In addition to the former Kew Park and Ride site, Homes England already owns the adjoining site at Crowland Street. 

When added together it will give them ownership over a site in excess of 63 acres. 

Kew Park and Ride first opened in 2007, costing £5 million to develop. 

It was intended to serve the thousands of visitors who visit the town from Lancashire settlements to the east, such as Ormskirk, via the busy A570, and ease traffic congestion in Southport town centre.

It boasted 600 parking spaces, toilets and baby changing facilities and cost just £1 per day.

However, despite regular bus services running to and from the town centre, it never achieved anywhere close to the popularity hoped for and closed down in 2010.

It did re-open for another trial period in 2012 but this again proved unsuccessful.

Since then, the land has sat empty.

Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: mediaandrewbrown@gmail.com  

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