Kelly Bond. Photo by Ian Lawson and MAF Photography

Guest Blog by Kelly Bond 

Photos by Ian Lawson and MAF Photography

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Alan Adams and his incredible team at Victoria Park in Southport, thank you to every single person involved in making the 100th Southport Flower Show a resounding success. 

The dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and the beauty you have once again brought to the town is truly appreciated.

Recent events caused concern and deterred some from attending public gatherings, so in light of this, the resilience shown by both the organisers and attendees is truly commendable.

It was impossible not to acknowledge circumstances that have affected the town. I’ve personally found it tremendously difficult to paint a smile on and entertain as of late, an emotion shared by many of the entertainers in this years programme… but what I continue to believe is that every song, every smile and every happy feeling flies straight up into the skies and directly to three beautiful souls who would be joyfully singing dancing and smiling along with us… I hope this belief can be shared by others.

Southport Flower Show

Southport Flower Show

Those in attendance maintained high spirits and embraced all the beauty and joy that the flower show had to offer. A sense of community flying in the air as a testament to the real spirit of Southport.

We will undoubtedly be grieving for the long term, we will continue to surround those affected with love and support and this weekend, I believe, was not only a monumental celebration for Southport, it shone as a beacon of resilience and positivity – just as 3 beautiful girls will continue to do.

This year every flower, every song and every smile was dedicated to them.

Southport Flower Show

Southport Flower Show

  • Southport Flower Show, sponsored by Seventy Ninth Group, is the UK’s largest independent flower show and attracts over 55,000 visitors every year. Next year’s event will take place over four days from 14th – 17th August 2025. Early bird tickets are on sale for £19 until the end of September. Children under 16 go free. 

Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: [email protected]

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