Southport College and KGV Sixth Form College launch new Spark Radio station

Andrew Brown
3 Min Read
Southport College in Southport. Photo by Andrew Brown of Stand Up For Southport

Students at Southport College and KGV Sixth Form College now have their very own radio station, with the launch of Spark Radio, Southport’s Student Sound.

The station is run by Southport resident Andy Hilbert, someone who is very knowledgeable about all things radio, as he is also the voice of Sandgrouder Radio’s breakfast show.

Spark Radio broadcasts 24 hours a day with a mix of music, features and news, and will give students the chance to develop the technical skills needed to create a radio show as well as get experience broadcasting and creating podcasts too. 

It is all as part of the wide programme of enrichment activities that the college offers students alongside their day to day courses and really is a fantastic opportunity.

Andy Hilbert said: “I am thrilled to be part of such an exciting initiative. It was brilliant to launch Spark Radio across both colleges this week and we are actually one of the few FE Colleges in the country to have their own radio station.  

“I can’t wait to start to work with our students on all things radio and I know we already have quite a queue of people brimming with ideas for programming and keen to get hands on as soon as possible.”

Stephen Musa, Assistant Principal, said: “We are very proud to now have our own college radio station and to be able to offer our students such a wonderful broadcasting opportunity.  

“It is great to hear the station playing out across the campus and it really adds to the great sense of community we have here.  

“We are all looking forward to hearing our students on the air really soon.”

You don’t have to be a student to listen, anyone is welcome to tune in to Spark Radio anytime they like.  You can access it via the link on the home page of either or or if you have an “Alexa” you first need to enable Southport Student Sound and the just ask it to play “Southport Student Sound” whenever you want to listen in.

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