Mystery of World War One soldier whose portrait hangs in Kokomo bar in Southport

Andrew Brown
5 Min Read
People are being asked to help solve a mystery about a soldier who served in World War One whose picture hangs on the wall of Kokomo Coffee & Wine Bar on Bold Street in Southport. Photo by Andrew Brown Media

People are being asked to help solve a mystery about a soldier who served in World War One. 

This stunning portrait now hangs proudly on the wall of the Kokomo Coffee & Wine Bar on Bold Street in Southport town centre. 

It features an evocative photo, taken over a hundred years ago, of a young man dressed in military uniform who was due to sail out of England and fight in World War One. 

The conflict began on 28th July 1914 and ended on 11th November 1918 and involved Britain, much of Europe, as well as Russia, the USA, India, parts of Africa, and other nations. One of the deadliest wars in history, an estimated 9 million people were killed in combat, while over 5 million civilians died from occupation, bombardment, hunger or disease. 

No-one who fought in the conflict is still alive today. 

But Kokomo Coffee & Wine Bar owner Kelly Carr is keen to keep the memory of the mystery soldier alive by finding out who he is – and learning more about his life story. 

People are being asked to help solve a mystery about a soldier who served in World War One whose picture hangs on the wall of Kokomo Coffee & Wine Bar on Bold Street in Southport. Photo by Andrew Brown Media
People are being asked to help solve a mystery about a soldier who served in World War One whose picture hangs on the wall of Kokomo Coffee & Wine Bar on Bold Street in Southport. Photo by Andrew Brown Media

He is believed to have been a Southport man, leading to hopes that someone locally may be able to reveal some answers. 

The incredible picture was sourced for Kokomo Coffee & Wine Bar by Bridge Antiques in Southport.  

Kokomo owner Kelly Carr said: “He was a soldier who served in World War One, and we would love to know who he is, and more about him. 

“I would love to hear his life story and learn more about him. 

“Darren from Bridge Antiques brings us things of interest all the time. 

“As soon as he saw this picture, he said ‘I know exactly where this picture should go’. 

“This is so much more poignant because the photo shows a young man, who was going away from home to fight in World War One. 

“I would like to know his name, and any more details about him.” 

The picture is among an array of historic and interesting objects on display at Kokomo. 

People are being asked to help solve a mystery about a soldier who served in World War One whose picture hangs on the wall of Kokomo Coffee & Wine Bar on Bold Street in Southport. Pictured is owner Kelly Carr. Photo by Andrew Brown Media
People are being asked to help solve a mystery about a soldier who served in World War One whose picture hangs on the wall of Kokomo Coffee & Wine Bar on Bold Street in Southport. Pictured is owner Kelly Carr. Photo by Andrew Brown Media

The bar also has a collection of other historic portraits of people, and old nostalgia photos of Southport from years gone by. 

Objects of interest include an old Harp mirror, which was rescued from a bar in Belfast which was destroyed during The Troubles in Northern Ireland. 

The venue serves top quality coffee, which is sourced from Neighbourhood Coffee in Liverpool, where it is roasted. The bar also offers a range of draught beers, lagers and ciders including San Miguel, Moretti, Export, Tetley Smooth, Guinness, with Tuborg available soon. The prices are among the cheapest in Southport, especially during happy hour, when San Miguel and Export are available for just £3 a pint.

Entertainment includes live music during weekends and Karaoke at Kokomo, which never fails to be fun, and takes place every Sunday from 4pm. 

“It really is a bar full of character,” says Kelly. She took over the bar in June, after being a regular customer herself for several months and falling for the venue’s many charms. 

If you know more about the picture of the World War One soldier, please call into Kokomo Coffee & Wine Bar at 6 Bold Street in Southport town centre or message Kelly via the Kokomo Coffee & Wine Bar page on Facebook. 


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