Labour makes three gains in 2022 Sefton Council Local Elections with no changes in Southport

Andrew Brown
2 Min Read
Votes are counted at the Sefton Council Local Elections. Photo by Sefton Council

Labour made three gains at the 2022 Local Elections to further strengthen its grip on Sefton Council. 

Labour won a total of 17 of the 22 seats being contested on the night, with 3 won by the Conservatives and 2 by the Liberal Democrats. 

They won: Harington Ward in Formby from the Conservatives; Molyneux Ward in the east of Sefton from Independent; and Sudell Ward in the east of Sefton from Independent. 

There was no change in any of the seven wards being contested in Southport with three wins for the Conservatives, with two for the Lib Dems and two for Labour. 

In Southport there were a total of 8,085 votes for Labour, 7,820 for Lib Dems, 7,618 for Conservatives and 1,031 for the Green Party.

There are 66 seats on Sefton Council, with a third (22 seats) being contested at each Local Election.

The winners here were: 

Ainsdale – Tony Brough, Conservatives 

Birkdale – Ian Brodie-Browne, Liberal Democrats 

Cambridge – Mike Morris, Conservatives

Dukes – Sir Ronj Watson, Conservatives 

Kew – Laura Lun Bates, Labour 

Meols – Gareth Lloyd -Johnson, Liberal Democrats 

Norwrrd – Mhairi Doyle MBE, Labour 

There was a very close contest in Ainsdale, where Sefton Conservative Party Leader Tony Brough won by just 33 votes (1,387 votes, 33%) from Labour’s Janet Harrison (1354 votes, 32%) with Lib Dems’ Lesley Delves (1272 votes, 30%) close behind. 

There was another close contest in Cambridge Ward where the Conservatives’ Mikle Morris was elected with 1338 votes (38%), ahead of Mike Sammon (1313 votes, 37%). 

Gareth Lloyd-Johnson (Lib Dem) took Meols Ward with 1326 votes (37%) in a close contest with Conservatives’ Thomas de Freitas (1203, 34%). 

Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: 

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