‘It is not right Formby people must risk a Covid-19 surge due to visitors’

Andrew Brown
4 Min Read
Crowds of people visited Formby

An MP says “it is not right that people in Formby must risk another surge in Covid 19” cases due to the numbers of sunseekers swamping the area yesterday. 

Sefton Central MP Bill Esterson said he was contacted by numerous concerned residents yesterday after crowds of visitors made their way to Formby Beach and pinewoods on the hottest day of the year so far. 

Local people are now concerned over what will happen during the forthcoming Bank Holiday weekend. 

It follows the relaxing of the coronavirus lockdown rules by the Government last week, which means that people can now take unlimited exercise and drive to another location to do so. However, they must continue to observe social distancing rules.

Mr Esterson said: “I contacted Andy Cooke, Chief Constable of Merseyside Police, yesterday and he responded by saying he would send officers to the area to talk to people especially those in groups which are clearly not from the same household.

“The problem is the guidance the government has now issued regarding travel and exercise, and meeting up with others, has led to severe difficulties with enforcement of social distancing.


Read More: Despair on hottest day of the year as crowds descend on Southport and Formby


“People are allowed to travel from as far away as they like, and stay for as long as they want. “The government guidance to stay home and stay safe was much clearer and I would urge people to do that wherever possible.

“It is not right that people in Formby must risk another surge in Covid 19 cases due to the numbers of visitors coming to the area from across the North West.

“I expect all visitors to the Sefton Coast to park responsibly and take their litter home. Although many do so, too many do not and this has a huge impact on the lives of residents.

“I have asked Sefton Council to update me on the actions they are taking following yesterday’s events. It’s an ongoing issue and one that is not easily solved, but further parking restrictions may be appropriate, as well as rethinking how the matrix signs are used to provide information to visitors.

“I contacted the National Trust earlier this week, and they said they had opened their car parks in response to the new Government guidance, in order to take the pressure off local residential streets. They have this week unfurloughed staff and will have the Formby sites staffed this weekend and the toilets open. They tell me there will also be charging in place at their car parks this weekend.”

Read More: ‘Wish You Weren’t Here’ plea to keep visitors away from Southport and Formby

Sefton Council has today launched a ‘Wish You Weren’t Here’ campaign, urging visitors to stay away from beaches in Southport, Formby and across Sefton. 

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