Free energy efficiency measures such as loft and cavity wall insulation may be available free to people living in poorly insulated homes in Sefton thanks to a new scheme being introduced by the Council.
The retrofit scheme will make homes cheaper to heat, more energy efficient and better for the planet. It will also help keep properties warmer in winter and cooler in summer.
Grants are available to privately-owned properties with an Energy Performance Certificate rating of D, E, F or G. To qualify, Sefton residents must have a household income below £30,000 and/or receive a qualifying benefit.
If the home is owned by a private or social landlord, the landlord will need to contribute to the cost of the works, but the property could still be eligible for some of the cost to be covered by the scheme.
People can check if they are eligible for the Cheaper, Warmer, Greener Retrofit Scheme, using the form at
Cllr Paulette Lappin, Sefton Council Cabinet Member for Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services said:
“This scheme is a fantastic opportunity for households in Sefton to get free energy efficiency measures to make their homes cheaper to run, warmer in winter and greener for the planet. Plus, there are huge benefits to physical and financial health.
“The Council is working to make Sefton net zero carbon by 2030 in response to the climate emergency. We are working on our own emissions and taking advantage of this scheme will help our residents to join us in making this a Borough-wide initiative by cutting their own domestic emissions.
“I would urge anyone who meets the eligibility criteria to apply for this retrofit scheme. It’s open to homeowners and tenants, it’s free and there are benefits for us all.”
The funding has come from The Department of Business Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) as part of the Government’s post COVID-19 response and Climate Change targets.
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