A new zebra crossing will be created on Liverpool Road in Birkdale in Southport early in the new year to make life easier for shoppers and local residents crossing the busy road between the busy Aldi and Tesco supermarkets.
Sefton Council is set to approve the decision at a Licensing and Regulatory Committee in January 2025.
Councillors will choose between two options – one directly opposite Tesco (the preferred option by council officers) and a potential crossing opposite Aldi.
In their report, Sefton Council Licensing officers said: “The purpose of the crossing is to provide a controlled pedestrian crossing to serve an increase in pedestrian movements between Aldi and Tesco Express from the residential communities of Birkdale, east and west of Liverpool Road, as well as a demand to access the smaller businesses (food outlets) on the junction of Clifford Road from the west side of Liverpool Road.
“Following the opening of Aldi in 2018, pedestrian movements across Liverpool Road, between Aldi and Tesco Express have increased, resulting in a request for a controlled crossing point. “Crossing assessments have been carried out using a PV² formula, which assesses the level of conflict between pedestrians and vehicles at a given location.
“Two locations for the crossing were considered. The first was just south of the Aldi entrance (Location A) with the second location approx. 40m to south adjacent to the Tesco entrance (Location B).
“A letter was sent to residents and businesses of Liverpool Road on the 22nd November with a return date for objections of 13th December. 18 letters were delivered to residents and businesses with an additional letter delivered to Tesco and Aldi. Overall total 20 letters. In total 4 responses were received via e-mail by the deadline date.
“Although a number of objections and concerns have been raised, the request for a crossing to accommodate increased pedestrian trips, partly resulting from the new supermarket, and appraised in accordance with the approved criteria, is considered worthy of implementation. “Funding has been identified within the approved Transport Capital Programme to fund the implementation, programmed for early 2025.”
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